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    • 25287
    • 81 Posts
    I've been trying to solve this for ages, hoping someone can help.

    The three components mentioned all show in the component menu, and open to their initial screens, but do not function at all.
    Quip never shows any comments, even though they have been submitted & an email to that effect received.
    Gallery will not create any albums - just 'saves' then leaves the create/save dialog open
    Janitor show the live website when I go to its Database / Backup / FTP / Search tabs

    I have reinstalled each component several times, even gone into the database and dropped any tables associated with them before reinstalling.

    I've checked file & folder permissions - 644 for files & 755 for folders.

    Crazy thing is each of the components is working on a subdomain on the same host.

    Hoping someone might have some insights, experience, wisdom on this.

    Rob [ed. note: robinqld last edited this post 12 years, 7 months ago.]
      • 25287
      • 81 Posts
      It turns out the www.robpacker.com/assets directory had file permissions of 777. The server configuration would not allow it to be writeable by group so it prevented the connector.php for each of the components to be accessed.

      I had been looking at permissions for the component folders, but the problem was higher up the tree. Not sure how that folder got those permissions, but it's fixed now.