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    • 6856
    • 20 Posts
    Need some help, I've read a few of the tutorials and I can't seem to get the body of the message to push. Here's my code:

    <p>[[!FormIt? &hooks=`email` &emailTpl=`sentEmailTpl` &emailSubject=`Message from Website` &emailTo=`email addy` ]] [[!+fi.error_message:notempty=`</p>
    <form class="form" action="[[~[[*id]]]]" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="nospam:blank" value="" />
    <div class="form-text-input"><label for="name">Your Name</label><input id="name" class="float-right inline" type="text" name="name" value="[[!+fi.name]]" /></div>
    <span class="error">[[!+fi.error.name]]</span>
    <div class="clear"> </div>
    <div class="form-text-input"><label for="email">Your Email</label><input id="email" class="float-right inline" type="text" name="email" value="[[!+fi.email]]" /></div>
    <span class="error">[[!+fi.error.email]]</span>
    <div class="clear"> </div>
    <div class="form-text-input"><label for="text">Your Message</label><textarea id="text" name="text" rows="7" cols="57">[[!+fi.text]]</textarea></div>
    <span class="error">[[!+fi.error.text]]</span>
    <p><input class="contact-submit" type="submit" value="Send" /></p>

    Chunk titled "MyEmailChunk"
    This is the Formit Email Chunk.
    [[+name]] ([[+email]]) Wrote: 

    Any ideas?
      • 6856
      • 20 Posts
      I've tested this same code on two different websites, each having the same body issues

      One website is using an exchange email and the other is a hosted email all running through godaddy.

      Anybody have any insight on this?
      • Are you really having this code on your TinyMCE?

        <p>[[!FormIt? &hooks=`email` &emailTpl=`sentEmailTpl` &emailSubject=`Message from Website` &emailTo=`email addy` ]] [[!+fi.error_message:notempty=`</p>

        The snippet fails because those <p> tags wrap the code in and out.
        It should not has 'em inside the tag.
        You should not hit Enter on the RTE when you write the MODX's tags.
        You might want to do it within the HTML field (see the TinyMCE's button).
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          • 6856
          • 20 Posts
          <p>[[!FormIt? &hooks=`email` &emailTpl=`sentEmailTpl` &emailSubject=`Message from Influence by Brittany Website` &emailTo=`[email protected]` ]] [[!+fi.error_message:notempty=` [[!+fi.error_message]] `]]</p>
          <form class="form" action="[[~[[*id]]]]" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="nospam:blank" value="" />
          <div class="form-text-input"><label for="name">Your Name</label><input id="name" class="float-right inline" type="text" name="name" value="[[!+fi.name]]" /></div>
          <span class="error">[[!+fi.error.name]]</span>
          <div class="clear"> </div>
          <div class="form-text-input"><label for="email">Your Email</label><input id="email" class="float-right inline" type="text" name="email" value="[[!+fi.email]]" /></div>
          <span class="error">[[!+fi.error.email]]</span>
          <div class="clear"> </div>
          <div class="form-text-input"><label for="text">Your Message</label><textarea id="text" name="text" rows="7" cols="57">[[!+fi.text]]</textarea></div>
          <span class="error">[[!+fi.error.text]]</span> <input class="contact-submit" type="submit" value="Send" /></form>

          Not sure why all the <p> were in there, I did a copy and paste from the tutorial. I removed them and now using this code, still no success.