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    Hi all,

    I had a bunch of chunks. Then I started to organize them into categories. When I added the third level of category nesting, the chunk categories stopped being openable, I couldn't access their contents. So I started deleting the categories.

    First, I deleted a 2nd level category, and the chunks reappeared uncategorised as advertised. But then, I deleted a top category, which still contained an embedded category of chunks. The top category just took its contents to Nirvana.

    Of course, the chunks still exist somewhere - the rendered website still can access them, but in the manager they don't show up anymore. What can I do?

      PHP illiterate MODx enthusiast
    • Sounds like a bug with Elements still being assigned to sub-categories when a parent category is removed. A parent category being deleted should likely turn any sub-categories into top-level categories, not allow removal, or remove all subcategories and unassign the Elements from any of the removed categories.

      I'd enter a bug report and then go into the database (modx_site_htmlsnippets table) and set the category to 0 for the Chunks you can't see.