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  • Hello, I know there are several threads about problems with setting up a blog following: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Creating+a+Blog+in+MODx+Revolution

    I've been trying to troubleshoot my problem for the past 5 hours without much luck so I thought I would post here.

    My issue is basically with getting results on the homepage to show up.

    <p>Some Posts bellow</p>
    <div class="paging">  
    <ul class="pageList">  

    I have no errors in the log, this call retuns empty results, even if using &debug option.

    Now if I simply change from getResourcesTag to getResources then it seems to work. Not sure if it will do all it is intended to in terms of tag filtering and so on but it does display my document as I would expect.

    I am just not sure why the way it is suggested in the tutorial, using getResourcesTag, does not seem to work. It just gives me a blank output.

    I've gone through the checklist for everything I can think off.

    - I'm not using rich text
    - I have my templates setup (using the basic template for testing purposes).
    - My blog post is not hidden and it is published
    - My categories are not hidden and are published (though I am only making the call for the one category with the sample blog post)
    - I have cleared the cache, same results.
    - There is no error in the log
    - I have uninstalled and reinstalled getResources

    I know as usually I will probably wake up tomorrow and see the error on my face, I know we all been there before, I just don't seem to figure this one out and considering I'm very new to revo (but been using evo for many many years) it feels a bit challenging.

    I appreciate any direction.

    Jose R. Lopez
      • 36592
      • 970 Posts
      Try this.
      • Nope, that didn't work. Still empty results.

        Call me crazy but I feel that getResourcesTag is not executing anything actually. There is absolutely no output, no error message, nothing, just blank.

        I have the snippet getResources but I don't see a snippet getResourcesTag on my snippet list, I'm not sure if there is supposed to be one there. I couldn't find a package specifically called getResourcesTag, only the getResources from the extras. [ed. note: redstormj last edited this post 12 years, 8 months ago.]
        • OMG, someone please kick me in the nuts.

          So apparently I'm blind, as I had installed all the packages in one go, I FAILED (notice the caps) to realize there were two pages of packages for me to go through and actually install.

          I was missing two packages, one of which is tagLister which is the one that will execute the getResourcesTag.

          So after installing that of course, it works like a charm.

          I love it when you go nuts 7 hours searching high and low, looking for your keys or something, only to realize they were always on your pocket.

          Please please please, someone kick me in the nuggets!
            • 36763
            • 70 Posts
            kick! ;P