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    • 34144
    • 13 Posts
    Hello fellow modx-users,

    I've got a little question for a site i'm working on.

    A client has different projects with a spec page for each of them. So no prob there, I just build a folder with al the projects with tv's for the technical specs, like name, color, price, etc...
    And for the listing of these projects I'm using Wayfinder. Also no probs there.

    Now I want to give the user control in uploading multiple images for 1 project. It depends from project to project how many are in there. Not a fixed quantity. Is it possible to have 1 TV where I can put multiple images. And have this TV outputted as a unordered list which I can control with a chunk for templating? It's a built-in feature with drupal, and one I pretty much need all the time. But finding no way to do this in Modx Revo.

    I've found this : http://www.kunane.com/modx/multi-image-tv.html

    but it is the evo version. Can someone help me put the revo version to work?

    thanx in advance
      • 12491
      • 90 Posts
      Take a look at imagelist from the gallery plugin, you cab sort on tag , album, etc, combine with getpage/getresource and outpu in a tpl combine with jquery scripts etc..

        Sommige mensen hebben aan een half woord genoeg
      • You can also try using MigX it will work as well and might be easier.

        Here's a tutorial by my good friend Mark Hamstra on how to use MigX.

        Hope that helps.
          Benjamin Marte
          Interactive Media Developer
          Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX
          • 34144
          • 13 Posts
          Yes, I used the MIgx plugin, works like a charm
