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  • Did anybody also have problems with TinyMCE converting "~" to "%7E" and thus breaks internal links to MODX resources, like [[~123]]? I searched for hours but no solution worked.

    It's also a little tricky, because I cannot reproduced the error by will! It just so happens that a customer call and says "This links here is broken! Why? Fix it! Don't let that happen again!". And I am standing there not knowing how that happend and no clue where to start in the first place.

    Anybody had this problem, too? I am on Revo 2.1.3 with Firefox and/or Iron/Chromium.

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      TinyMCE is just trying to help!

      I have no solution for you - I've battled TinyMCE before with little luck - but I would expect that just opening a resource in the manager with TinyMCE running and then saving the resource would reproduce the problem - TIny replaces automatically anything that it thinks should be an entity (like
       & becomes &
      ) similar to way if I try to type ; ) without a space this forum software gives me a smilely!

      So if I'm right any time someone edits a resource they will also break the links that are coded with modx tags
      in that resource

      I can't imagine that this is correct behaviour, I've never seen this before although as I say I have fought TinyMCE ... such as the page that had a
      on it and every time the resource was edited Tiny would change it to
      which does not work!
      ... or Tiny's habit putting p tags around things just because one presses the return key

      enough rambling - hope you figure out your problem - there are settings for tiny in the manager but apart from adding special tags (a tag with a class for example) I've not had much luck customizing Tiny.