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          создаёшь модуль template
           * Module: Document Template Changer
           * Purpose: Allows a new template to be applied to
           * groups of documents using either a textbox for
           * specifying ranges or by using a document tree.
           * Author: Garry Nutting, MODx Testing Team
           * Version: 1
           * Date: 05/03/06
          //-- get theme
          $tb_prefix = $modx->db->config['table_prefix'];
          $theme = $modx->db->select('setting_value', $tb_prefix . 'system_settings', 'setting_name=\'manager_theme\'', '');
          $theme = $modx->db->getRow($theme);
          $theme = ($theme['setting_value'] <> '') ? $theme['setting_value'] : 'MODx';
          //-- setup initial vars
          $table = $modx->getFullTableName('site_content');
          $temptable = $modx->getFullTableName('site_templates');
          $output = '';
          $error = '';
          if (!isset ($_POST['opcode'])) {
          	//-- get templates - for use in Datagrid
          	$templates = $modx->db->select('id,templatename,description', $temptable);
          	//-- compile output
          	$output .= '
          	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/' . $theme . '/style.css" />
          	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/' . $theme . '/coolButtons2.css" />
          	<style type="text/css">
          	.topdiv {border:0;}
          	.subdiv {border:0;}
          	.tplbutton {text-align:right;}
          	ul, li {list-style:none;}
          	<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="media/script/cb2.js"></script>
          	<!-- tree functions from www.dustindiaz.com -->
          	<script type="text/javascript">
          	function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
          		var classElements=\'\';
          		if ( node == null )
          			node = document;
          		if ( tag == null )
          			tag = \'*\';
          		var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
          		var elsLen = els.length;
          		var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");
          		for (i = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
          	    if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) && els[i].checked==true) {
          				classElements += \'id="\'+els[i].value+\'" OR \';
          		return classElements;
          	function getSelectedRadio(buttonGroup) {
          	   // returns the array number of the selected radio button or -1 if no button is selected
          	   if (buttonGroup[0]) { // if the button group is an array (one button is not an array)
          	      for (var i=0; i<buttonGroup.length; i++) {
          	         if (buttonGroup[i].checked) {
          	            return i
          	   } else {
          	      if (buttonGroup.checked) { return 0; } // if the one button is checked, return zero
          	   // if we get to this point, no radio button is selected
          	   return -1;
          	} // Ends the "getSelectedRadio" function
          	function getSelectedRadioValue(buttonGroup) {
          	   // returns the value of the selected radio button or "" if no button is selected
          	   var i = getSelectedRadio(buttonGroup);
          	   if (i == -1) {
          	      return "";
          	   } else {
          	      if (buttonGroup[i]) { // Make sure the button group is an array (not just one button)
          	         return buttonGroup[i].value;
          	      } else { // The button group is just the one button, and it is checked
          	         return buttonGroup.value;
          	} // Ends the "getSelectedRadioValue" function
          	function postForm(opcode,pids) {
          	if (opcode==\'tree\') {
          	} else {
          	function switchMenu(obj) {
          	var el = document.getElementById(obj);
          	if ( el.style.display != \'none\' ) {
          	el.style.display = \'none\';
          	else {
          	el.style.display = \'\';
          	<div class="subTitle">
          	<span class="right"><img src="media/images/_tx_.gif" width="1" height="5"><br />Document Template Changer </span>
          	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="coolButton" id="Button4" onclick="document.location.href=\'index.php?a=106\';"><img src="media/images/icons/cancel.gif" align="absmiddle"> Cancel</td></tr></table>
          	<div class="sectionHeader"><img src=\'media/images/misc/dot.gif\' alt="." /> Select the New Template</div>
          	<div class="sectionBody">
          	<form name="template">';
          	//-- render list of templates
          	include_once "../manager/includes/controls/datagrid.class.php";
          	$grd = new DataGrid('', $templates); // set page size to 0 to show all items
          	$grd->noRecordMsg = "No Templates Found";
          	$grd->cssClass = "grid";
          	$grd->columnHeaderClass = "gridHeader";
          	$grd->itemClass = "gridItem";
          	$grd->altItemClass = "gridAltItem";
          	$grd->columns = " ,ID, Name, Description";
          	$grd->colTypes = "template:<input type='radio' name='id' value='[+id+]' /> [+value+]";
          	$grd->colWidths = "5%,5%,40%,50%";
          	$grd->fields = "template,id,templatename,description";
          	$output .= $grd->render();
          	$output .= "<br />
          	<table class='grid' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1'><tr><td  class='gridItem' style=\"width:5%;\"><input type='radio' name='id' value='0' /></td><td  class='gridItem' style=\"width:5%;\">0</td><td style=\"width:40%;\" class='gridItem'>Blank Template</td><td style=\"width:50%;\"></td></tr></table>
          	$output .= '</form></div>';
          	if (isset ($_POST['tswitch'])) {
          		$output .= '
          		<div class="sectionHeader"><img src=\'media/images/misc/dot.gif\' alt="." /> Select from the Document Tree:</div>
          		<div class="sectionBody">
          		<form name="module" method="post">
          		<input type="hidden" name="opcode" value="tree" />
          		<input type="hidden" name="pids" />
          		<input type="hidden" name="template" />
          		<input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="postForm(\'tree\');" value="Submit" />
          		$output .= getDocTree();
          		$output .= '
          		<form name="switch" method="post">
          		<input type="submit" style="float:right" name="rswitch" value="Switch back to setting a Document ID Range" />
          		<div style="clear:both;"></div>
          	} else {
          		$output .= '
          		<div class="sectionHeader"><img src=\'media/images/misc/dot.gif\' alt="." /> Specify a Range of Document IDs:</div>
          		<div class="sectionBody">
          		<form name="range" method="post">
          		<input type="hidden" name="opcode" value="range" />
          		<input type="hidden" name="template" />
          		<input name="pids" type="text" size="100%" />
          		<input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="postForm(\'range\');" value="Submit" />
          		<p><strong>Key (where n is a document ID number):</strong><br /><br />n* - Change template for this document and immediate children<br />
          		n** - Change template for this document and ALL children<br />
          		n-n2 - Change template for this range of documents<br />
          		n - Change template for a single document</p>
          		<p>Example: 1*,4**,2-20,25 - This will change the selected template for documents 1 and its children, document 4 and all children, documents 2 through 20 and document 25.</p>  
          		<form name="switch" method="post">
          		<input type="submit" style="float:right" name="tswitch" value="View and select documents using the Document Tree" />
          		<div style="clear:both;"></div>
          	$output .= '
          	return $output;
          	// opcode is tree, run the tree data handler
          elseif ($_POST['opcode'] == 'tree') {
          	$values = $_POST['pids'];
          	if ($_POST['pids'] <> '' && $_POST['template'] <> '') {
          		//-- run UPDATE query
          		$values = rtrim($values, ' OR ');
          		$fields = array (
          			'template' => intval($_POST['template']
          		$modx->db->update($fields, $table, $values);
          	} else {
          		$error .= 'No document or template selection was made. <br />';
          	$output .= '
          	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/' . $theme . '/style.css" />
          	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/' . $theme . '/coolButtons2.css" />
          	<style type="text/css">
          	.topdiv {border:0;}
          	.subdiv {border:0;}
          	ul, li {list-style:none;}
          	<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="media/script/cb2.js"></script>			
          	<div class="subTitle">
          	<span class="right"><img src="media/images/_tx_.gif" width="1" height="5"><br />Document Template Changer </span>
          	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="coolButton" id="Button4" onclick="document.location.href=\'index.php?a=106\';"><img src="media/images/icons/cancel.gif" align="absmiddle"> Cancel</td></tr></table>
          	<div class="sectionHeader"><img src=\'media/images/misc/dot.gif\' alt="." /> Update Completed</div>
          	<div class="sectionBody">
          	if ($error == '') {
          		$output .= '<p>Update was completed successfully, with no errors.';
          	} else {
          		$output .= '<p>Update has completed but encountered errors:<br />';
          		$output .= $error;
          	$output .= '
          	<p>Use the Back button if you need make more changes. If you have finished all the template updates, please use the Refresh Site button to clear the document cache files.</p>
          	<form name="back" method="post"><input type="submit" name="back" value="Back" /></form><input type="submit" name="refresh" onclick="document.location.href=\'index.php?a=26\';" value="Refresh Site" />
          	return $output;
          //-- values have been passed via the range text field
          elseif ($_POST['opcode'] == 'range') {
          	//-- set initial vars
          	$values = array ();
          	$pids = '';
          	$error = '';
          	//-- check for empty field
          	if (trim($_POST['pids']) <> '') {
          		$values = explode(',', $_POST['pids']);
          	} else {
          		$error .= 'No Values have been specified.';
          	//-- parse values, and check for invalid entries
          	foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
          		//-- value is a range
          		if (preg_match('/^[\d]+\-[\d]+$/', trim($value))) {
          			//-- explode the lower and upper limits
          			$match = explode('-', $value);
          			//-- Upper limit lower than lower limit
          			if (($match[1] - $match[0]) < 0) {
          				$error = 'Upper limit less than lower limit:' . $value . '<br />';
          			//-- loop through values and parse WHERE SQL statement
          			$loop = $match[1] - $match[0];
          			for ($i = 0; $i <= $loop; $i++) {
          				$pids .= 'id=\'' . ($i + $match[0]) . '\' OR ';
          		//-- value is a group for immediate children
          		elseif (preg_match('/^[\d]+\*$/', trim($value), $match)) {
          			//-- get ID number of folder
          			$match = rtrim($match[0], '*');
          			//-- get ALL children
          			$group = $modx->db->select('id', $table, 'parent=' . $match, '', '');
          			//-- parse WHERE SQL statement
          			$pids .= 'id=\'' . $match . '\' OR ';
          			while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($group)) {
          				$pids .= 'id=\'' . $row['id'] . '\' OR ';
          		//-- value is a group for ALL children
          		elseif (preg_match('/^[\d]+\*\*$/', trim($value), $match)) {
          		    //-- get ID number of folder
          		    $match = rtrim($match[0], '**');
          		    //-- recurse and get ALL children
          		    for ($i = 0; $i < count($idarray); $i++) {
          	        	$where = 'parent=' . $idarray[$i];
          				$rs = $modx->db->select("id", $table, $where);
          				if ($modx->db->getRecordCount($rs) > 0) {
          					while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($rs)) {
          					$idarray[] = $row['id'];
          			//-- parse array into string
          			for ($i = 0; $i < count($idarray); $i++) {
          				$pids .= 'id=\'' . $idarray[$i] . '\' OR ';
          		//-- value is a single document
          		elseif (preg_match('/^[\d]+$/', trim($value))) {
          			//-- parse WHERE SQL statement
          			$pids .= 'id=\'' . trim($value) . '\' OR ';
          			//-- value is invalid
          		} else {
          			$error .= 'Invalid Value:' . $value . '<br />';
          	} //foreach end
          	if ($_POST['pids'] <> '' && $_POST['template'] <> '') {
          		//-- run UPDATE query
          		$values = rtrim($pids, ' OR ');
          		$fields = array (
          			'template' => intval($_POST['template']
          		$modx->db->update($fields, $table, $values);
          	} else {
          		$error .= 'No document or template selection was made. <br />';
          	$output .= '
          	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/' . $theme . '/style.css" />
          	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="media/style/' . $theme . '/coolButtons2.css" />
          	<style type="text/css">
          	.topdiv {border:0;}
          	.subdiv {border:0;}
          	ul, li {list-style:none;}
          	<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="media/script/cb2.js"></script>			
          	<div class="subTitle">
          	<span class="right"><img src="media/images/_tx_.gif" width="1" height="5"><br />Document Template Changer </span>
          	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="coolButton" id="Button4" onclick="document.location.href=\'index.php?a=106\';"><img src="media/images/icons/cancel.gif" align="absmiddle"> Cancel</td></tr></table>
          	<div class="sectionHeader"><img src=\'media/images/misc/dot.gif\' alt="." /> Update Completed</div>
          	<div class="sectionBody">
          	if ($error == '') {
          		$output .= '<p>Update was completed successfully, with no errors.';
          	} else {
          		$output .= '<p>Update has completed but encountered errors:<br />';
          		$output .= $error;
          	$output .= '
          	<p>Use the Back button if you need make more changes. If you have finished all the template updates, please use the Refresh Site button to clear the document cache files.</p>
          	<form name="back" method="post"><input type="submit" name="back" value="Back" /></form><input type="submit" name="refresh" onclick="document.location.href=\'index.php?a=26\';" value="Refresh Site" />
          	return $output;
          function getDocTree() {
          	global $modx;
          	global $table;
          	$subdiv = true;
          	// $siteMapRoot [int]
          	$siteMapRoot = 0;
          	// $removeNewLines [ true | false ]
          	$removeNewLines = (!isset ($removeNewLines)) ? false : ($removeNewLines == true);
          	// $maxLevels [ int ]
          	$maxLevels = 0;
          	// $textOfLinks [ string ]
          	$textOfLinks = (!isset ($textOfLinks)) ? 'menutitle' : "$textOfLinks";
          	// $titleOfLinks [ string ]
          	$titleOfLinks = (!isset ($titleOfLinks)) ? 'description' : "$titleOfLinks";
          	// $pre [ string ]
          	$pre = (!isset ($pre)) ? '' : "$pre";
          	// $post [ string ]
          	$post = (!isset ($post)) ? '' : "$post";
          	// $selfAsLink [ true | false ]
          	$selfAsLink = (!isset ($selfAsLink)) ? false : ($selfAsLink == true);
          	// $hereClass [ string ]
          	$hereClass = (!isset ($hereClass)) ? 'here' : $hereClass;
          	// $topdiv [ true | false ]
          	// Indicates if the top level UL is wrapped by a containing DIV block
          	$topdiv = (!isset ($topdiv)) ? false : ($topdiv == true);
          	// $topdivClass [ string ]
          	$topdivClass = (!isset ($topdivClass)) ? 'topdiv' : "$topdivClass";
          	// $topnavClass [ string ]
          	$topnavClass = (!isset ($topnavClass)) ? 'topnav' : "$topnavClass";
          	// $useCategoryFolders [ true | false ]
          	// If you want folders without any content to render without a link to be used
          	// as "category" pages (defaults to true). In order to use Category Folders, 
          	// the template must be set to (blank) or it won't work properly.
          	$useCategoryFolders = (!isset ($useCategoryFolders)) ? true : "$useCategoryFolders";
          	// $categoryClass [ string ]
          	// CSS Class for folders with no content (e.g., category folders)
          	$categoryClass = (!isset ($categoryClass)) ? 'category' : "$categoryClass";
          	// $subdiv [ true | false ]
          	$subdiv = (!isset ($subdiv)) ? false : ($subdiv == true);
          	// $subdivClass [ string ]
          	$subdivClass = (!isset ($subdivClass)) ? 'subdiv' : "$subdivClass";
          	// $orderBy [ string ]
          	$orderBy = (!isset ($orderBy)) ? 'menuindex' : "$orderBy";
          	// $orderDesc [true | false]
          	$orderDesc = (!isset ($orderDesc)) ? false : ($orderDesc == true);
          	// ###########################################
          	// End config, the rest takes care of itself #
          	// ###########################################
          	$debugMode = false;
          	// Initialize
          	$MakeMap = "";
          	$siteMapRoot = (isset ($startDoc)) ? $startDoc : $siteMapRoot;
          	$maxLevels = (isset ($levelLimit)) ? $levelLimit : $maxLevels;
          	$ie = ($removeNewLines) ? '' : "\n";
          	//Added by Remon: (undefined variables php notice)
          	$activeLinkIDs = array ();
          	$subnavClass = '';
          	//display expand/collapse exclusion for top level
          	$startRoot = $siteMapRoot;
          	// Overcome single use limitation on functions
          	global $MakeMap_Defined;
          	if (!isset ($MakeMap_Defined)) {
          		function filterHidden($var) {
          			return (!$var['hidemenu'] == 1);
          		function filterEmpty($var) {
          			return (!empty ($var));
          		function MakeMap($modx, $listParent, $listLevel, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, $inside, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, $showDescription, $descriptionField, $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $debugMode) {
          			//-- get ALL children
          			$table = $modx->getFullTableName('site_content');
          			$csql = $modx->db->select('*', $table, 'parent="' . $listParent . '"');
          			$children = array ();
          			for ($i = 0; $i < @ $modx->db->getRecordCount($csql); $i++) {
          				array_push($children, @ $modx->db->getRow($csql));
          			$numChildren = count($children);
          			if (is_array($children) && !empty ($children)) {
          				// determine if it's a top category or not
          				$toplevel = !$inside;
          				// build the output
          				$topdivcls = (!empty ($topdivClass)) ? ' class="' . $topdivClass . '"' : '';
          				$topdivblk = ($topdiv) ? "<div$topdivcls id=\"$listParent\">" : '';
          				$topnavcls = (!empty ($topnavClass)) ? ' class="' . $topnavClass . '"' : '';
          				$subdivcls = (!empty ($subdivClass)) ? ' class="' . $subdivClass . '"' : '';
          				$subdivblk = ($subdiv) ? "<div$subdivcls id=\"$listParent\">$ie" : '';
          				$subnavcls = (!empty ($subnavClass)) ? ' class="' . $subnavClass . '"' : '';
          				//-- output the div and add the expand/collapse if required
          				$output .= ($toplevel) ? "$topdivblk<ul$topnavcls>$ie" : "$ie" . (($listParent != $startRoot) ? '' : '') . "$subdivblk<ul$subnavcls>$ie";
          				//loop through and process subchildren
          				foreach ($children as $child) {
          					// get highlight colour
          					if ($child['deleted'] == 1) {
          						$color = '#000'; //black
          					elseif ($child['hidemenu'] == 1) {
          						$color = '#ff9933'; //orange
          					elseif ($child['published'] == 0) {
          						$color = '#ff6600'; //red
          					} else {
          						$color = '#339900'; //green
          					// figure out if it's a containing category folder or not 
          					$isFolder = $child['isfolder'];
          					$itsEmpty = ($isFolder && ($child['template'] == '0'));
          					$itm = "";
          					// if menutitle is blank fall back to pagetitle for menu link
          					$textOfLinks = (empty ($child['menutitle'])) ? 'pagetitle' : "$textOfLinks";
          					// If at the top level
          					if (!$inside) {
          						$itm .= ((!$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) || ($itsEmpty && $useCategoryFolders)) ? $pre .
          						$child[$textOfLinks] . $post . (($debugMode) ? ' self|cat' : '') : $pre .
          						$child[$textOfLinks] . $post;
          						$itm .= ($debugMode) ? ' top' : '';
          					// it's a folder and it's below the top level
          					elseif ($isFolder && $inside) {
          						$itm .= "<img src='media/images/tree/folder.gif' alt='Folder' onclick=\"switchMenu(" .
          						$child['id'] . ")\" /><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"pids\" id=\"check" . $child['id'] . "\" name=\"check\" value=\"" . $child['id'] . "\" />" . $pre . '<span style="color:' . $color . ';">' . $child[$textOfLinks] . ' ('.$child['template'].')</span>' . $post . (($debugMode) ? ' subfolder F' : '');
          					// it's a document inside a folder
          					else {
          						$itm .= ($child['alias'] > '0' && !$selfAsLink && ($child['id'] == $modx->documentIdentifier)) ? $child[$textOfLinks] : "<img src='media/images/tree/page-blank.gif' alt='Page' /><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"pids\" id=\"check" . $child['id'] . "\" name=\"check\" value=\"" . $child['id'] . "\" />" . '<span style="color:' . $color . ';">' . $child[$textOfLinks] . ' ('.$child['template'].')</span>';
          						$itm .= ($debugMode) ? ' doc' : '';
          					$itm .= ($debugMode) ? "$useCategoryFolders $isFolder $itsEmpty" : '';
          					// loop back through if the doc is a folder and has not reached the max levels
          					if ($isFolder && (($maxLevels == 0) || ($maxLevels > $listLevel +1))) {
          						$itm .= MakeMap($modx, $child['id'], $listLevel +1, $description, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, true, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, false, '', $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $debugMode);
          					if ($itm) {
          						$output .= "<li$class><label for=\"" . $child['id'] . "\">$itm</label></li>$ie";
          						$class = '';
          				$output .= "</ul>$ie";
          				$output .= ($toplevel) ? (($topdiv) ? "</div>$ie" : "") : (($subdiv) ? "</div>$ie" : "");
          			return $output;
          		$MakeMap_Defined = true;
          	// return the output
          	return MakeMap($modx, $siteMapRoot, 0, false, $titleOfLinks, $maxLevels, true, $pre, $post, $selfAsLink, $ie, $activeLinkIDs, $topdiv, $topdivClass, $topnavClass, $subdiv, $subdivClass, $subnavClass, $hereClass, $useCategoryFolders, $categoryClass, false, '', $textOfLinks, $orderBy, $orderDesc, $debugMode);

          ручная работа: указать id’ишники, для кого надо скопом поменять темплейт. да и пройдись в репозиторий. да много прикольных вещичек. на одном из сайтов, ща нет времени ковыряться, стоит плагин, который автоматом для детей устанавливает родительский темплейт. ну, и способ для знающих: через запрос к мускулу, надо будет указать ручками набор id’ишников.

            Безжалостный пияр!
            Artima -- неуч!
            Осторожно: преступная локализация -- modx-cms.ru
            Баштанник Андрей -- мегапрограммер из Белоруссии и поедатель говна, очень критично настроенный молодой человек!

            Дисклеймер для общительных: даю сам себе право транслировать в открытый эфир содержание лички, just for fun
            • 12550
            • 107 Posts
            Конфигурация - Темплейт по-умолчанию - спасибо, тоже как вариант, но не совсем то, если надо только для части документов поменять.

            Через запрос к мускулу и сделал.
            Но это как-то.. применение грубой физической силы что ли. )
              • 22301
              • 1,084 Posts
              дэк, модуль, выше который привёл, он и позволяет переопределить шаблон для произвольной группы, потерзай его. надо просто будет указать id’ишники соответствующие. хорошая альтернатива, если нет возможности добраться добазы.

              чтоб его заюзать, достаточно кликнуть по нему, когда он появится в списке плагинов.

                Безжалостный пияр!
                Artima -- неуч!
                Осторожно: преступная локализация -- modx-cms.ru
                Баштанник Андрей -- мегапрограммер из Белоруссии и поедатель говна, очень критично настроенный молодой человек!

                Дисклеймер для общительных: даю сам себе право транслировать в открытый эфир содержание лички, just for fun
                • 12550
                • 107 Posts
                Модулями до сих пор не пользовался еще не разу. Попробовал. Вау!! )
                Какая удобная штука то! То самое, что нужно.

                Кстати, там ведь есть внизу модуля кнопка "View and select documents using the Document Tree" - не надо даже руками перечислять айдишники, можно просто пощелкать мышкой нужные из дерева документов да и все. )
                  • 22301
                  • 1,084 Posts
                  век живи -- век учись smiley а про деревья я и не догадался grin

                  кста, скрипт можно под что угодно приспособить

                  upd: сейчас буду ковырять, нет у меня дерева smiley

                  upd2: в ие нет, а в опере и фоксе есть grin

                    Безжалостный пияр!
                    Artima -- неуч!
                    Осторожно: преступная локализация -- modx-cms.ru
                    Баштанник Андрей -- мегапрограммер из Белоруссии и поедатель говна, очень критично настроенный молодой человек!

                    Дисклеймер для общительных: даю сам себе право транслировать в открытый эфир содержание лички, just for fun