☆ A M B ☆
- 100 Posts
Estou traduzindo a instalação e está já à 70% para concluir, irei postar assim que concluir para que vocês possam efetuar o Download.
Também vou disponibilizar a tradução do manager.
Um forte abraço!
I’m Translating the installation files and it’s 70% done. I’ll post as soon as it gets finshed so them our community will be able to download the translation.
I’m working on a manager 9.6.2 translation too.
Best Regards.
Daniel Melo
☆ A M B ☆
- 100 Posts
I’m done with the translation of the Installer, now I’m on the line 400 on the manager translation. Soon I’ll post the files here at the forum.
Thanks in advance.
Daniel Melo
☆ A M B ☆
- 100 Posts
Hello, I still translating ok? It´s almost 90% done.
Thanks for the patience.
And it will be avaiable in 9.6.3 version.
Daniel Melo