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    • 1099
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    hi all

    i finished the new version and now i need your help to translate some new text. please download the attached file and when your translate it post here and attach yor trasnlated files. there is a README.pdf file. please before post here read that file.


      The First Iranian Aquarium Forum
      The First Iranian Aquarium Magazine
      • 22303 MODX Staff
      • 10,725 Posts
      I’m sorry, what exactly is this supposed to be? I don’t understand the contents of this file at all... huh
        • 6726
        • 7,075 Posts
        I don’t either... received a MP requesting help about this but what exactly ?
          .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

          MODx est l'outil id
          • 1099
          • 34 Posts

          my original language is persian and you know that it’s an RTL language. and in this language we need to add this tag dir="rtl" or direction: "rtl"; so i decided to make an installer that each language has it own style and you can change everything in language.inc.php file and with this installer only you have to change your parameters in language.inc.php not in action.xxx.php so if you change the installer language to french you see that in action.mode.php some text is under the other text (see the url) so in this installer you can change and put the text in it’s correct position without any problem for other languages.


          understood ? huh
            The First Iranian Aquarium Forum
            The First Iranian Aquarium Magazine
            • 20289
            • 958 Posts
            huh fuzzy description!?
            i’ll try to have a little chat @yahoo to get that what exactly you mean by this.
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              • 33597
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              I have finally finished the czech translation smiley
                • 22303 MODX Staff
                • 10,725 Posts
                Hang on guys. What is the purpose of this thread?

                This is not an official solution to the RTL issues for the MODx installer; just keep this in mind. I do not want people wasting efforts on unofficial translations... if you have ideas to improve the RTL issues in the MODx installer, or MODx itself, please share those ideas in discussion or code, and if the concept and approach are solid, we’d be glad to review those contributions for acceptance into the product. This one is however, not going to be accepted as is; I do not even yet understand anything that has been done here, how these type_one and type_two files are supposed to work, or how it solves the original issue.
                  • 1099
                  • 34 Posts
                  hi OpenGeek

                  ok i agree with you. i will share my ideas and i will give this chance to the other people to see my ideas and give their own ideas about my ideas and i agree with that this translation is unofficial. how it will change to official. if you still don’t understand my project i think it’s my problem. because my english is not very good and i am trying to prove my abiltiy in english language. and about my work. i am working on the 9.0.6 0.9.6 new installer. this installer is only for LTR languages and when i want to translate it to persian i saw tht this installer is not compatible with RTL languages so i decided to make it compatible with both LTR and RTL languages. so i make this thread and show my result to other people and i know that i make a mistake. plz help me to make this new installer for MODx in it’s right way.

                  thank a lot for your reply.
                    The First Iranian Aquarium Forum
                    The First Iranian Aquarium Magazine
                    • 22303 MODX Staff
                    • 10,725 Posts
                    Not a problem; I understand the challenge the language barrier presents is not an easy one to overcome. BTW, it is MODx version 0.9.6, not 9.0.6. wink

                    I do understand what you are trying to accomplish, and we are eager to provide full support for RTL languages. I just want to make sure the problem is fully understood, all possible solutions are considered, and ongoing development of MODx is in-line with the changes, before we get everyone translating files for it. This is a particularly tricky problem, because for the upcoming 0.9.7 release, the installer has been completely re-engineered from scratch, and I’d like to make sure this is accounted for (as much as is practical) with any solutions we put in place for additional 0.9.6.x patch releases.

                    That said, if you can help me identify the specific incompatibilities of the current installer, and describe how you solved it, I can better help guide you in implementing this in a way that will not become obsolete in future releases.
                      • 20289
                      • 958 Posts
                      I had a little chat about this with him and i think he have some good ideas that how we could possibly handle the positioning and the style change when it comes to little issues as images positioning and also their attributes, one of the issues he had worked on it is that in the present installer we do not provide images title attribute in the language file!, ie when the installer switched to a specific language the title attribute of the images doesn’t change from the english hardcoded one, his idea logic is clear and efficient but when it comes to including each languages (even just for title) attribute to the css file... then the installers css file size grow up.
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