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    Greasemonkey 関係



    • AJAX Menu Index
    • Autolink (ala phpGiggle)
      このプラグイン/モジュールのセットを使う事で、ドキュメント内のキーワードを動的にハイパーリンクに変換することができます。「phpGiggle」のMODxのためのバージョンです。訳者注: はてなキーワードがイメージ的に近い。
    • Backing up/Moving MODx Sites
    • Document Template Changer
    • Easy Peasy Gallery 2
      訳者注:元々 Easy Peasy Image GalleryというPHPアプリがありまして、それのEtomite移植版のさらに移植です。ギャラリーページはスニペット埋め込みで作成します。画像の管理は専用のきれいな管理ページで行います。
    • Polls Module and Snippets
    • MODx <-> SMF Bridge



    • A to Z Site Listing
    • Breadcrumbs
      パン屑リストを表示します。指定できるオプションが多く、こだわった出力形式にも対応できます。MODxに標準で同梱されている PageTrail スニペットがベースになっています。
    • Calendar
      Calendar Snippets that has flexible data source (database or iCal) and support full templating system with chunk.
    • CascadingMenu
      It’s similar to the PHP documentation menu in that it incorporates a page trail into the menu by showing all of the current document’s parents. (Page trail + menu snippet)
    • ChildDocumentMapper
      The ChildDocumentMapper snippet allows you to map a chunk to every childpage.
    • CssSwitcher
    • eForm - The Electronic form Snippet
    • EmailCloak
    • FileDownload
      Will display a listing of files from a directory for download. Includes templating, download counting, displaying file type images, and file descriptions.
    • FileUpload
      Allows users to upload files to the webserver.
    • FlashVideo
    • FormProcessor
      This snippet is a generic form processor it handles required fields, sends submissions via email and saves submissions to the database.
    • getdoc
      任意のドキュメントの任意の内容) を抜き出して出力します。たとえばタイトルとか内容とかIDとか。
    • Google Analytics / Google Stats
      A quick snippet to add your Google Analytics headers to your pages.
    • gtext
    • homepagedisplay
      - DEPRECATED (use newslisting instead) It’s like a news thing but than you can select by a TV what docs it wil show on the homepage or any page where you place this snippet.
    • HyperFlexSearchForm
      This snippet was designed to create a search form that is highly flexible in how it is presented. It can be used as both a small, subtle, persistent search field element, as well as present the search results. All elements are branded with classes for easy CSS styling.
    • ListChildOrSibs
      This snippet was designed to show all child pages, or siblings if there are no children pages, with or without descriptions, in a list.
    • ListFaqFolder
      Displays Faq categories, subcategories and questions/answers, using document structure on MODx.
    • ListGlobal
      Snippet for listing global list of links or sections
    • ListmenuX
      This snippet will only show documents and folders at the current level and below. There is a modded version by Susan with javascript Suckerfish dropdowns added.
    • ListRelated
      This snippet was designed to show a list of pages that are related based on specified keywords, or those used in the current pageこちらも参考
    • ManagerLogin
      Two manager authentication snippets, to allow manager login from the front end, as well as the web user.
    • MetaTagsExtra
      Returns HTML for document dependant meta tags: Generator, Description, Abstract, Author, Copyright, Robots, Googlebot, Cache-Control, Pragma, Expires and Last Modified
    • MiniGallery
      Popup version of minigallery. Here is the popup version with LightBox js.
    • MaxiGallery
      訳者注:画像ギャラリー作成スニペットです。「オリジナル」「w/Light box」「Slide box」の3種類のギャラリースタイルを選択できます。後者2つはAjaxを利用しています。日本語ファイルは「[lang] MaxiGallery Japanese language file(UTF-8)」にあります。
    • MODCast
      is a snippet that creates an iTunes XML podcast, suitable for the iTMS, iPodder, etc... from a specified folder of audio or video files. There are lots of customizable vars that can be passed directly from the snippet call. a detailed README is included in the package.
    • NewsEditer and NewsManager
      The first Checks to see if users belong to a certain group and displays the specified chunk if they do. Performs several sanity checks and allows to be used multiple times on a page. Only meant to be used once per page. The second manage news in frontend.
    • NewsFeed
      あなたのサイトからRSS 2.0 ニュースフィードを可能にします。
    • Newsletter (Improved Version)
      Newsletter Snippets to send modx documents or plain text to web users groups.
    • NewsListing
      To list documents with specific template, able to output RSS Feed.
    • NewsParserX
    • PrevJumpNext
      Based on the PrevNext snippet by Jeroen Bosch which allow to navigate in a folder tree like the MODX documentation, see the topic for more info.
    • Random Teasers snippet (and chunks)
      Refreshing a page generates the chunks in a different order.
    • RandomBackgroundImage
      RandomBackgroundImage everywhere and autoexpand to photo size
    • RandomQuoteLink
      This is originaly a snippet called RandomPageLink made by Jared. I adapted the snippet so that it displays the introtext instead of the pagetitle.
    • RandomTV
      It’s a snippet that grabs just one option at random from a multi-select TV like checkboxes or a listbox. I used it for header images in a site where I wanted people to be able to select one image or mulitpile images that would display randomly. The snippet should work with any sort of output widget assigned to it.
    • Replix 1.0.0 (based on UserComments)
      What this snippet does differently is that it stores the comments into an XML formatted document (saved as a child document of the original article). This way it keeps design seperate from the comment data and you can change design at a later stage. The snippet includes a pure code php XML class so you don’t need to have an XML DOM enabled php installation to run the snippet.
    • ShowSnippet
      Show the contents of a snippet as html.
    • sqlmenu
      NOTE: Need better explanation in here!
    • Tag Cloud
      A tag cloud is a list of tags that are linked to an overview or to the search (like in this case). The sense is imho to give a visitor a qucik overview of what is the site all about. The words (tags) are counted and weighted - the more they occur in the content, the bigger the link is displayed.
    • UltimateParent
      This snippet returns the ultimate parent of the current document. It is useful for setting the starting root folder for menu snippets to create submenus.
    • UserComment



    • AliasLink
      A plugin for placing links in your content using the [~~] tag format by alias. Example usage: [~[+alias:actual-doc-alias-here+]~]
    • BB Code Parser
    • BottomButtonBar
    • Change Default Template
      - DEPRECATED (had been implemented on the system config) This plugin changes the default template to the template you select from a list menu. The plugin does not change any document’s templates, except temporarily the current document.
    • Email Link Obfuscator
      Here’s a little plugin to obfuscate email links with Javascript.
    • Go up manager page
      For go up to the save button when finish editing a page to large (or not) whith a lot of tv.
    • Highlight Search Terms
      Enable search terms hightlighting with FlexSearchForm, multiple styles for multiple search terms, can be configured through plugin configuration (Attention : requires modification of the snippet)
    • IMAP Authentication
      訳者注:IMAP or IMAP-SSLのいずれか選べます。
    • Inherit template from parent
      Backend document manager automatically selects the template of the parent document (instead of using the system-wide default template) if the user creates a blank page.
    • Parser: Markdown
      This plugin adds a Markdown parser to the system.
    • Parser: Textile
      This plugin adds a Textile parser to the system.
    • PNG-Alpha Transparency for MSIE
      To enabled png opacity level to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    • SlimStat
      高機能なアクセス解析。SlimStat - A simple web stats analyser, now with MODx.
    • Subsites/Subdomains
      To allow subsites under modx (subdomains or different domains).
    • Template Switcher
      The title explains itself. It’s for enabling template switching on MODx.
    • text2image
      This plugin converts a text into a graphic using a TTF font. I’ve choosen the
    • TinyMCE Editor
    • Watermark
      It will filter out images on your site and add a watermark to them
    • Web2Manager
      This plugin will enable you to create or synchronize a manager user account with a web account.
    • Xinha Editor
      This plugin adds the Xinha RichText Editor to the manager.


    • Displaying MODx tags in an (X)HTML page
    • Making Site moves from Staging to Production Easier
      If you’ve ever developed a site at a staging URL, either the IP or a different domain, you’ve probably run into problems when you’ve moved it to the live URL. This is usually because the RTE makes your paths complete URLs, so instead of having the src of an image be /assets/images/pic1.jpg, it turns into http://stagingdomain/assets/images/pic1.jpg
    • Template Migration
      Say you have 1,000 documents or more, and have multiple templates, and you are considering a re-design of a whole website! OUCH! Its a pain to change 1,000 documents’ templates via traditional editing facility. Don’t worry, MODx provides you a very easy way to do this tedious job in very short time.
    • Unblocking User with role id 1
      So you get blocked from MODx Content Manager! No problem, just read this step by step guide and in less then 5 minutes you will be able to login again.



    • Subsites
      This hack will allow multiple domains to be hosted on one MODx installation base. Manager able to setup the desired strart doc id and error doc id for each subsites under System Settings configuration page. This mostly affect friendly alias path that is being turned on. Compatible with MODx 0.9.1 version.
