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    myfriendscallmebill Reply #1, 17 years, 8 months ago
    The MODx FAQ suggests that MySQL version 4.1 or later is preferred. But the server I need to deploy my next site on offers only two options: They can keep the account on the current shared server which is running MySQL version "4.0.27-standard", or they can migrate the account to another shared server that’s running MySQL "5".

    I’d like to build the new site in MODx, but they already have other web applications installed on that server that are running fine on MySQL 4.0.27 and I’d prefer not to risk destabilizing them by trying to migrate them to MySQL 5.x.

    Can anyone give me any guidance about how bad it might be if we used MODx 9.2.1 with MySQL version 4.0.27?

    Conversely, does anyone know of any hazards in using it with MySQL 5.x?
    • I’m not aware of any specific problems attributed to using MySQL 4.0.x versions, but if you have any, we can probably figure them out.
      That said, I truly recommend using MySQL 5.x versions for the performance increases alone, though there are some gotchas, like making sure STRICT_MODE is not enabled (see this discussion for more information). There is also a more general discussion of MODx with MySQL 5.x versions here.
        • 3763
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        I’m using MySQL 3.x and MODx is running well...
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