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    • 5998
    • 2 Posts
    I am having some problems with the way that IE6 displays my pages. For example, this page:


    It is fine in FireFox, but IE6 does some horrible things with it. For reasons known only to themselves, lots of people still use IE so I would like to fix this if I can.

    The problem seems to affect only content that contains tables. For some reason IE6 wants to display the table at the bottom of the page, rather than where it actually appears. Any suggestions on how to resolve this or any alternatives to work around this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    In case its helpful, I am running:

    ModX version
    PHP version 4.4.2
    MySQL version 4.1.19 standard
    • The container of the table has to have a height in IE. Or the table has to have a width in IE. Or something like that. Try both, see what happens. (you can use * html #container {height:1%} for IE, the * html part will hide it from everybody else)
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        • 5998
        • 2 Posts
        Thanks. I did some searching using your tip and managed to resolve this by adding the following code into my CSS:

        /* Hides from IE-mac \*/
        * html .#content {height: 1%;}
        /* End hide from IE-mac */

        Content was the name of the main container for the site content.

        I found this code at http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/escape-floats.html
        • I knew it was something like that, I ran into the same problem once before. Google is our friend grin
            Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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            • 23054
            • 62 Posts
            The IE is not a browser - just a program that tries to imitate a browser.

            I experienced that the explorer does not like widths like 100% within div-tags - other browser do.

            Because of different style sheets for IE and real browser I handle such things in different stylesheets - in that case it often helps to tell the IE a width of 99%

            And of course user of real browser get a much better style with fixed menu grin