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    I’m a new user arghhh! (I hate to admit it and get branded already) Anyway, I’m not a programmer, but a designer (and UI/app instructor for 10+ yrs) who’s trying to wrap my head around the realtionships between Temps, TV’s, Snips, Chunks, etc. I understand html, xml, css, some java, DB relationships, etc. And, I got MODx installed and running despite a few default permission snags (thanks to some very straightforward posts here.)

    Anyway I need figure out how to activate snippets in a template. I started with the "Friends Listing" which was a breeze to setup the Snip and TV. Anyway I’ve searched hi adn low for the basics (or step-by-step) on the activation or html calls and I keep coming up empty handed. Basic documentation does a fairly good job distinguishing the various components but doesn’t really explain in "how-to terms" the correct procedure for activating. I’m also not understanding some of variables for TV’s.

    Anyone out there know of cheat sheet for basic "Snippet calls" and the steps required to configure these.?
    • There’s no cheat sheet as snippets aren’t required to have paramters. I would start at the documentation and at http://modxhost.com/.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 8363
        • 28 Posts
        Quote from: rthrash at Jul 31, 2006, 02:26 AM

        There’s no cheat sheet as snippets aren’t required to have paramters. I would start at the documentation and at http://modxhost.com/.

        Thanks for the post but I was hoping I wouldn’t get shuttled to someone’s site where half the links don’t even work. I know cause I visited earlier while searching for "good" info.

        Any other takers?????
        • Snippets have their options listed in a comment section at the beginning of their code. The more complex snippets come with documentation.

          I could give you my URL and the guest login to my Manager if you were interested in looking at a live site. But it’s a development site, subject to change without notice.
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