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    • 21255
    • 215 Posts

    This board is dedicated to issues regarding the German translation of MODx. Please avoid posting in German here, since most people won’t understand you. If you’re looking for the place where other German-speaking users meet, please visit the German Community which also offers you Documentations and Support.

    Dieses Brett ist der deutschen Übersetzung von MODx gewidmet. Bitte vermeide es, Deine Beiträge hier in deutscher Sprache zu verfassen, da die meisten Leute Dich dann nicht verstehen werden. Wenn Du auf der Suche nach dem Treffpunkt anderer deutschsprachiger MODx-Benutzer bist, besuche bitte die German Community, die Dir auch Dokumentationen und Support zur Verfügung stellt.

      • 41477
      • 4 Posts
      Hi, I have a Problem. I want explain what I have done:
      I made a new Installation MODX Revo 2.2.4. After this I delete all files (but I didn´t delete 3 files: system-settings, context-settings and workspaces) from mysql modx-tables.
      After this I import a dump from another Installation (same 2.2.4), this dump excludes the 3 files.

      It all works, but I can´t change the chunks. When I will open the existing chunks in the manager I get:
      HTTP-Fehler 500 (Internal Server Error).

      I can't understand this. Have you an idea? Thanks a lot!