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    • 34162
    • 1 Posts
    I just played around a bit with the floater-widget. But it seems only to be able to float a string. Is that right?
    My intention was to create a "floating navigation" (using DropMenu or just static HTML), which, for me, is the most practical usage of a floating element.
    But the widget does not accept snippet-calls, just chunks.
    <script>	document.setIncludePath('manager/media/script/bin/');
    {var o = new Floater('tvFloaterSample','FloatStuff:\r\nblog, easy, manager, visitors','40','20','top-right','6');});

    Is there a chance to fill "FloatStuff" with something more "catchy"?
      • 34162
      • 1 Posts
      Reply to self:
      As far as I’ve found out, the Floater-Widget is - in some respect - what I usually would call "crippleware":
      floater.js and dynelement.js (the scripts which are responsible for the widget) seem to have been coded initially to handle any kind of (DOM-)element as dynamic (a div for instance), but, at the MODx end, they handle just a string which is set to be the InnerHTML of an element which in turn is identified with the TV. And this TV, in turn, is quite dumb, as it does not support handling snippet output and the like. It can only contain plain text or a chunk.

      Correct me if I’m wrong (what I do hope), but if I’m not, I will not bother with that floater-widget anymore and regard it to be a kind of "marketing-muck"... sad
      • ppaul, if you’ve got a fix for it to make it more functional, please don’t hesitate to post it here. I happen to have access to the SVN trunk. Bookmarking now... wink
          Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
          Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
          • 34162
          • 1 Posts
          Hi Ryan,
          my hope was that I might have missed something.
          If it really is as I think it is, this widget is more or less useless. And then: why did it make it to be in the default-installation at all?
          Enabling this widget to handle snippet-output correctly is most likely far beyond my current scope of MODx- and cross-browser-scripting-abilities. However, I could try to "DOM-enable" it though, if I only had the time... undecided
          • Fair enough, then ... consider it worthless, but staying in. wink
              Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
              Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me