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    • 4273
    • 356 Posts
    I’m declaring the weblogin an offical bug that needs a nice shoe to squash it

    I tried to go to the bug report forum but it would not log me in, we dont’ have to register again for the bug forum do we ?

    the weblogin has issues,

    its logging users out/in when its not suppose to,
    when logged out some pages still show user logged in even after cookes have been deleted and cache cleared
    there are times when your logged into the site but when you go to the SMF board it shows you not logged in then you have to bounce back n forth between login page and forum its really a pain

    i did a recent check and deleted all cookies and cleared cache, history everything and went to the page and it still uses user logged in

      SMF Bookmark Mod - check it out
    • Are you logging out of the manager as well to check these resources? This may be occuring because their are separate sets of session data being maintained for webuser login and manager login, and when logged into the manager with a role of 1, you pretty much can see everything, even things that aren’t published.

      You can submit bug reports anonymously, or register for an account on the tracker (and yes, it is separate).

      I use weblogin and various custom versions of weblogin on dozens of projects and it works just fine, so I suspect this is nothing but an issue with how you have it setup.
        • 22800
        • 9 Posts

        Could it also possibly be an issue with ModX caching? I know using a snippet to display whether a user is logged in, I accidently called it cached. Though calling it uncached it a bit slower, it did resolve my issues with it ’appears’ as though the user was logged in when they were, and vice versa.

        Kinda hard to tell for sure what the issue is from your description, but it sounds vaguely familiar. Figure I would toss that out.