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    i’m leaning towards using modx for a yap. (heh) is there a method to let people make a ’personal page?’
      Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
    • Oh no! YAPS-begone! tongue

      In all fairness, though, a portal is made of pages of content, which MODx does a great job of managing. wink
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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        I was thinking about this as well. One way I could see it would be use NewsManager (and newsmanager,newsediter,newspublisher).

        When a user wants to create a first page, a folder is created for him. If he has already created a first page, he just adds to it. Then could you use some template variables to allow for different skins and other options for his pages? This is how I had thought about doing it.

          Chuck the Trukk
          ProWebscape.com :: Nashville-WebDesign.com
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          • 2136
          • 134 Posts
          @rthrash: ha - wouldn’t you be one of the peeps at fault for making ModX so good at managing pages tongue even if i can’t figure out the personal page action, i def think ModX would be the way to go. and then there’d be another YAPS coming your way!

          @chuck: i’ve only been delving in ModX for a couple of weeks, and really only built a site in the last week so i am definitely still a noob. does what you suggest require any php? (i’m still waiting on a book from the library wink) i will look further into NewsManager in the next few days and try to get a handle on it and what you are suggesting.
            Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007