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    Best forumfriends,

    I have some problems whit my MODx system, some beginners questions I think rolleyes. I have an clean installation of MODx on my server, It works great, very easy too.

    But now every thinks working I want to install a template but each time I get the same problems. I think the problem is making the TV’s.

    This the problem:

    First I upload all the template files, But than they ask: ’’and give it access to the template to make the header and footer to work.’’

    But what means that?, I read the documentation about TV’s but it don’t work...

    When the header is:
    <h1>I See Frogs</h1>
    <h3>a natural template created by I See You - Designs</h3>

    And the footer is:
    <div id="footer"><span>
    Design by <a href="http://www.iseeyou-designs.com">I See You - Designs</a> - <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a> &amp; <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">XHTML Strict!</a> valid!

    But what can I fill in the forms?

    Whish option I have to select?

    Whats happend afther the installation

    Can someone help me out? smiley, thanks,
    • When you create a TV, at the bottom is a list of your templates with checkboxes. Check the boxes for the templates that can use the TV. If you don’t check the checkbox, even if you include the TV tags in a template it won’t show up.
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