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    a buddy of mine did forget his modx-login-password. He got a user-password with restrictions. despite of giving me (admin) a call, he called the Internet-Service-Provider. The ISP-Service cracked the database and reconfigured the login with a user-name and a new pswd.(How? I thought the DB is save?)
    the user-login work well. But the user is restricted. I did this by installing the modx-cms to avoid confusing my buddy. the problem is no admin-login is possible now.

    it appears a javascript-alert: "Due three ore more failed login...". With SQL { UPDATE modx_user_attributes SET blockeduntil=0 WHERE id=1; } i unblocked my admin-account. The login failed in case of invalid pswd.
    So i guess i have to tweak the DB. How do i get a proper password (admin account) ? Or, how to give the user-account all privileges for setting up a new admin user?

    thanks for helping. le block
      le_block is Member of FUTY | Medienagentur aus Leipzig mit Schwerpunkt Marketing, Branding, Print und Webdesign
    • You can access the database with phpmyadmin, or some other mysql client program. Your hosting account should include this application.

      Manager user names and passwords can be edited in the manager_users table. If you change the password, make sure to use the function "MD5" for it.

      Manager roles and "blocked" status can be edited from the user_attributes table. Work with the row where the internalKey is the same as the user ID in the manager_users table you want to work with. For example, if the user ID in the manager_users table is 1, edit the row in the user_attributes table where the internalKey value is 1.

      A role setting of "1" will make the user a full admin user.

      For "blocked" status, simply set all the "blocked..." fields to 0, as well as the "failedlogincount" field.

      Don’t confuse these tables with the "web_user..." tables!
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        • 17058
        • 80 Posts
        got it working...

        thanks a lot. le block
          le_block is Member of FUTY | Medienagentur aus Leipzig mit Schwerpunkt Marketing, Branding, Print und Webdesign
        • If you are supplying support for your friend, I would suggest that you create another "Adminstrator" user for yourself, with a password that you will remember!
            Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
            Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
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