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    • 15826
    • 160 Posts
    Okay, in my template I have this--

    [!FlexSearchForm? &FSF_showResults=`0` &FSF_landing=`11`!]

    The landing page is simply an empty document.

    When I have &FSF_showResults=`0` I get an unwanted bunch of text in the search box, but I also get search returns, though they’re in the wrong place -- within the search form. Meanwhile the h2 headline says "These are the Results of your Search" with nothing underneath it.

    When I have &FSF_showResults=`1` I get a page that has no search returns at all, though the h2 headline is still there.

    I searched for an answer for this but haven’t found anything pertinent. What am I missing?
      "I’d love to change the world but I can’t find the source code . . ."

      Custom ModX Templates
    • Your landing page also has to have the snippet called.

      In my template:

      On document #4:

      I should say here that my pages are all uncached. If your pages are cached, make sure to call the snippet uncached! ( [! ... !] )

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        • 15826
        • 160 Posts
        Yup, that did it. Thanks!
          "I’d love to change the world but I can’t find the source code . . ."

          Custom ModX Templates