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  • Don’t put your actual url in place of [(site_url)] -- that is a literal tag...placed exactly as it was presented to you.
      • 37272
      • 216 Posts
      Woops. embarrassed

        • 37272
        • 216 Posts

        That’s fixed the the problem, but actually, webpages were being displayed anyway. However, I had hoped this would fix the preview, but it has not. I have three links to CSS files from the template. One, two, or three of these can be successful, or sometimes none at all. Could this be because I have more than one CSS file being called? I don’t know why this would be, but I’m at a loss as to why this problem is occurring and is intermittant. It’s quite annoying, but hardly critcal.

        However, I’m trying to integrate this with SMF, for some members at least. I’d like the editor, preview, etc., to work properly for them.
        • Try viewing the links being generated in the source, or first validating your HTML; this will usually expose what ever problems you are having.
            • 37272
            • 216 Posts
            I’ll do some checking, but the intermittant nature of it is confusing.

            These are new pages, but I had developed them BEFORE adapting them for Modx, and they had validated. Sure, I could have made some silly mistake, so I will check, but it was pretty straight forward to convert them to Modx (amazingly easy, which is what is great about this system, even if much of its possibilities are beyond me right now).

            . . . . I found one thing that that was wrong, I had not published the css files, but it has made no difference to the intermittant preview.

            . . . . Anyway, I put the pages "Online", logged out, and validated a page (its stying is intermittant in the manager preview, as are all the pages). The validator returned "This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!" This is as I had expected. I will go through the CSS files though, as there is some invalid junk in them that the W3C validator will have missed, stuff that should be commented out, or removed. Just maybe they are having an effect upon the manager.

            Thanks for your help.
              • 37272
              • 216 Posts
              Thanks Jason, and Susan,

              I’ve changed nothing since I last posted last night, but it works fine now. It must have been a server issue. I’ve just purchased new server space because my present host has become unreliable, and will be moving shortly. I should have guessed it could be the host, but at the same time, everything else appeared fine. My host does appear to run a pretty weird setup though, Including that "mod_security" nonsense, which prevents you from using the word "curl" amongst things.