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    • 7690
    • 166 Posts
    I have a newslisting on my site. And now i want that users can post a comment.
    I have this at every news item:
    [!UserComments? &makefolder=`1` &displaytpl=`reactiedisplay`!]

    Everything works fine. But i want to change the style of the comments display. But it doesnt work.
    I have made a chunk called reactiedisplay. but when i change the chunk nothing changes.
    How is that possible?

    and a second question.
    Do i have to put [!UserComments? &makefolder=`1` &displaytpl=`reactiedisplay`!] everytime on a news item? or is there a way that is automaticly includes the code at the end of every news post.
    Cuz, i cant edit the style of the news post when you have clicked "read more..."
      • 22221
      • 283 Posts
      Quote from: DNA at May 23, 2006, 01:08 PM

      [!UserComments? &makefolder=`1` &displaytpl=`reactiedisplay`!]

      Everything works fine. But i want to change the style of the comments display. But it doesnt work.
      I have made a chunk called reactiedisplay. but when i change the chunk nothing changes.
      How is that possible?
      I’ve no problem with the &display option. Are you sure of the case in the snippet call and in your chunk list ?

      Quote from: DNA at May 23, 2006, 01:08 PM

      Do i have to put [!UserComments? &makefolder=`1` &displaytpl=`reactiedisplay`!] everytime on a news item? or is there a way that is automaticly includes the code at the end of every news post.
      Cuz, i cant edit the style of the news post when you have clicked "read more..."

      The best solution is to create a TV with default value to @INHERIT [*content*] and use this TV instead of the content placeholder in your template.
      Then move you news in a directory and change the TV of this directory with the value
      [!UserComments? &makefolder=`1` etc... !]

      Now all your news have the Comments form
        • 7690
        • 166 Posts
        it works...but 1 problem.
        There is now also a usercomment form on the page with all the newslisting. (so it’s on the page where all the news items are stored.)
        how can you hide it?

          • 22221
          • 283 Posts
          I do the same thing on my web site, and there is two solutions, based on the same thing : don’t’ use the folder that hold the news to display the output of NewsListing or Ditto.

          Currently you should have:
          Root -> Rep1
          with the call of Ditto in the Rep1 content field and all the news wrapped in the folder

          First solution :
          Root -> Rep1
          |-> Doc1
          with call of Ditto in Doc1 and News wrapped in Rep1. The TV is set in Rep1 and the content of Rep1 is empty, your visitor should never see the content of this folder.

          Second solution :
          Root -> Rep1 -> Rep2
          with cal of Ditto in Rep1, news wrapped in Rep2 and the TV is set in Rep2. You visitor should never see the content of Rep2 folder.

          If anybody have a better solution ?