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    I’ve just upgraded to ModX 9.6.2 and tried to install a new module: TXNewsletter.
    When I try to create dependencies for this mudule I get the following error:

    [tt]« MODx Parse Error »
    MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
    « Execution of a query to the database failed - Table ’ndaalnl_modx.smd’ doesn’t exist »
    SQL: SELECT smd.id,COALESCE(ss.name,st.templatename,sv.name,sc.name,sp.name,sd.pagetitle) as ’name’,CASE smd.type WHEN 10 THEN ’Chunk’ WHEN 20 THEN ’Document’ WHEN 30 THEN ’Plugin’ WHEN 40 THEN ’Snippet’ WHEN 50 THEN ’Template’ WHEN 60 THEN ’TV’ END as ’type’ FROM smd LEFT JOIN `ndaalnl_modx`.`modxcms_site_htmlsnippets` sc ON sc.id = smd.resource AND smd.type = ’10’ LEFT JOIN `ndaalnl_modx`.`modxcms_site_content` sd ON sd.id = smd.resource AND smd.type = ’20’ LEFT JOIN `ndaalnl_modx`.`modxcms_site_plugins` sp ON sp.id = smd.resource AND smd.type = ’30’ LEFT JOIN `ndaalnl_modx`.`modxcms_site_snippets` ss ON ss.id = smd.resource AND smd.type = ’40’ LEFT JOIN `ndaalnl_modx`.`modxcms_site_templates` st ON st.id = smd.resource AND smd.type = ’50’ LEFT JOIN `ndaalnl_modx`.`modxcms_site_tmplvars` sv ON sv.id = smd.resource AND smd.type = ’60’ WHERE smd.module=4 ORDER BY smd.type,name [/tt]

    Can anyone help?

    Nico van Veenendaal
      • 26903
      • 1,336 Posts
      Interestingly on my installation this happens on all modules when you click the ’Manage Dependencies’ link on the module dependencies tab.

      Seems to be on line 21 of mutate_module_resources.dynamic.php in /manager/actions, the var should be ’$tbl_site_modules_depobj’ not $tbl_site_modul_debobj’. You can hand edit this for now if you need to do this, I’ll JIRA it.

      It’s been fixed here http://svn.modxcms.com/jira/browse/MODX-224
        Use MODx, or the cat gets it!