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    Hi all,

    I have given MODx a pretty good thrashing today and have proven that it does most of everything I want it to do.

    There are two specific things I can’t nut.
    There is one thing I can’t nut.

    I have a user that I want to extend an editor role to.

    All I want this person to do is to create and maintain content.

    No matter what I do I can’t get QuickEdit to show up for this user. As soon as I make them ADMINISTRATOR it works but when I allocate the editor role it disappears. Of course, it is not showing in the front end.

    The fix is to make sure the RUN MODULE is checked for the editor role (I know, but its 2:49am sorry).

    Obviously I need to solve this before my next question has any importance.

    I now want this user to NOT get into the back end. The Manager Login Startup and Manager Interface Access would seem to do this but I can’t get them to work.

    If I put a value in the Manager Login Startup (I am assuming it just the document ID as an integer) I get a 404 (not the MODx handler, normal one) and, when I go back, the home button is working but clicking it gives the same 404.

    I am running LocalHost WAMP5 session.

    So, the questions are; what am I doing wrong with my user role that is precluding quick edit and what am I doing wrong with the user account that makes the Manager Login Startup not work.

    I know it is just me trying to fit a weeks worth of learning curve into a few hours, but hey, what are forums for smiley.

    Appreciate any help and good night all.

    Good night he said...

    Couldn’t leave this alone.

    When I log this user in the URL is


    and it generates a 404 (Where or how does the page reference work with that call?).

    After the 404 error, clicking back takes me to the log-in form and the HOME button is active (so Manager Interface Access is working), clicking the button generates

    http://localhost/modx- which is the correct id number but the path is obviously wrong.

    Now, the question is, am I best to deploy a system onto my play server and try it away from local host or is this pathing problem something in the system setup (I have checked them all and they all look correct)?

    try again
    Good night
    • I may be hopelessly out-of-date, but as far as I know there’s no way to do that (yet). I would be more than thrilled if somebody can prove me wrong here... wink
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        • 29362
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        I find it strange because the framework for all of it seems to be in place.

        Anyway, I deployed ModX on my test servers last night and lost all the graphics links etc. and I thought to myself, I don’t need to go off on another week of fixing installation issues with another CSS so I’m gonna wander back to etomite (which I have working sweet as a nut (after many hours of fixing the aformentioned issues)).

        The thing that attracted me to ModX was the user registration but I manage and create professional business sites and I stopped myself and asked the question "when was the last time we needed a user area?" to which the question was "never" so I shrugged and crossed that one off the list.

        I loved the idea of front-end editing but it just stopped working on our servers (tried three different ISPs all with varying PHP and MySQL version with my main server being the latest) and once again, what the heck, if you can’t lock the users out of the back end, why bother given we can conditionally limit user access in the back-end anyway.

        So, the similarities are so absolute between these two FINE products, I might as well stay with the one I have ironed the issues out of.

        I have written a member’s area front-end manager myself that works so I have all the web user functionality I want.

        The account create might be a good idea but it is not worth the time required to get to the bottom of it.

        This is by no means a slight on ModX.

        If I had have found it first I would have burnt the candle on this one, but its time to settle on one and, as Lord Nelson so famously said "No time for maneuvering, go straight at ’em".

        So, Etomite it is and, who knows, perhaps I will write my own user account creation if I can be bothered developing code in a development environment that takes me back to the good old days of Fortran and Edlin smiley (who knows, perhaps one day someone will develop a stand alone symbolic debugger for PHP (something I have had for C++ and Delphi for 14 years)).

        Anyway I will keep ModX on the radar and look forward to the issues I mentioned above being fixed and may revisit it. A great product and I would love it to provide the functionality it promised.

        • Too bad you never got to TVs and @BINDINGS (particularly @INHERIT)... indispensable for building truly robust sites. Much less some of the API additions coming in the next couple of weeks... wink
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me