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    How can I apply a function to the content of a page?

    I have to make a website in esperanto and in some cases, some characters are not displayed correctly, for example ŭ. In these cases I have to give the possibility to replace this character by ux or u’ or ... (the user decides). There an example here (the orange box) : http://www.esperantio.net
    I want to pass the content in a function which look like :

    function convert($content, $modifType) {
        if($modifType = "'") {
            str_replace("& #365;", "u'", $content);
        } elseif($modifType "x") {
            str_replace("& #365;", "ux'", $content);
        // ...
        return $content

    $modifType is send by a form ($_POST or $_GET).

    But I don’t know how I can do that.
    • Sounds like you need a plugin, something like this one:

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      • Or you could create a TV that uses the @EVAL binding on the content as it’s default content and place the TV in the template instead of the content. Changes up the searching a bit, but would work.
          Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
          Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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          Quote from: rthrash at May 04, 2006, 04:27 PM

          Or you could create a TV that uses the @EVAL binding on the content as it’s default content and place the TV in the template instead of the content. Changes up the searching a bit, but would work.

          With something like :

          $myContentVar = $modx->documentObject['content'];
          // what I want to modify in my content
          return $myContentVar

          and in my template y replace [*#content*] by [*myContentVar*]

          Is it right ?

          In [*#content*], what does mean the # ?
          • Garry Nutting Reply #5, 18 years ago
            Hi JuTs, the hash means that it will be directly editable using the QuickEdit plugin. (i.e. you’d get a ’Edit myContentVar’ button when logged in the front end)
              Garry Nutting
              Senior Developer
              MODX, LLC

              Email: [email protected]
              Twitter: @garryn
              Web: modx.com
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              I managed to modify the content but I have some problems with the cache.
              The visitor chooses the type of display with a form and the content is modified by the TV. But if the page is in the cache, the content is not modified.

              My TV :
              $myContentVar = $modx->documentObject['content'];
              	$_SESSION['disp_type'] = $_POST['disp_type'];
              	setcookie('disp_type', $_POST['disp_type'], time()+365*24*60*60, "/");
              	$_SESSION['disp_type'] = $_COOKIE['disp_type'];
              	$_SESSION['disp_type'] = '';
              	case 'x' :
              	$char_disp = array('cx', 'cx', 'Cx', 'Cx}',
              			'gx', 'gx', 'Gx', 'Gx',
              			'hx', 'hx', 'Hx', 'Hx',
              			'jx', 'jx', 'Jx', 'Jx',
              			'sx', 'sx', 'Sx', 'Sx',
              			'ux', 'ux', 'Ux', 'Ux');
              	case 'h' :
              	$char_disp = array('ch', 'ch', 'Ch', 'Ch}',
              			'gh', 'gh', 'Gh', 'Gh',
              			'hh', 'hh', 'Hh', 'Hh',
              			'jh', 'jh', 'Jh', 'Jh',
              			'sh', 'sh', 'Sh', 'Sh',
              			'uh', 'uh', 'Uh', 'Uh');
              	case 'a' :
              	$char_disp = array("c'", "c'", "C'", "C'}",
              			"g'", "g'", "G'", "G'",
              			"h'", "h'", "H'", "H'",
              			"j'", "j'", "J'", "J'",
              			"s'", "s'", "S'", "S'",
              			"u'", "u'", "U'", "U'");
              	case 'c' :
              	$char_disp = array('c^', 'c^', 'C^', 'C^}',
              			'g^', 'g^', 'G^', 'G^',
              			'h^', 'h^', 'H^', 'H^',
              			'j^', 'j^', 'J^', 'J^',
              			's^', 's^', 'S^', 'S^',
              			'u^', 'u^', 'U^', 'U^');
              	$char_disp = array('ĉ', 'ĉ', 'Ĉ', 'Ĉ}',
              				'ĝ', 'ĝ', 'Ĝ', 'Ĝ',
              				'ĥ', 'ĥ', 'Ĥ', 'Ĥ',
              				'ĵ', 'ĵ', 'Ĵ', 'Ĵ',
              				'ŝ', 'ŝ', 'Ŝ', 'Ŝ',
              				'ŭ', 'ŭ', 'Ŭ', 'Ŭ');
              $char_src = array('cx', '{cx}', 'Cx', '{Cx}',
              		'gx', '{gx}', 'Gx', '{Gx}',
              		'hx', '{hx}', 'Hx', '{Hx}',
              		'jx', '{jx}', 'Jx', '{Jx}',
              		'sx', '{sx}', 'Sx', '{Sx}',
              		'ux', '{ux}', 'Ux', '{Ux}');
              $myContentVar = str_replace($char_src, $char_disp, $myContentVar);
              return $myContentVar;
              • If an entire document’s content is to be dynamic, then it seems the logical thing that that docuement should not be cached at all.
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                  Yes, but is it possible to indicate to MODx if it have to put the in the cache ?

                  In my case the majority of the visitors will use the default option.
                  I would like to do something like :

                  if($_SESSION[’disp_type’] == "")
                  take the page from the cache if exists and put the page in the cache if not
                  don’t put the page in the cache

                  If it’s not possible I disable the cache
                  • You could make a plugin that would delete the cached document before the parser goes to look for it. You would also have to set the documentObject[’cacheable’] to 0 so it won’t cache this version. Possible, but I would not recommend it.

                    Simply not caching that one page is not going to cause a big problem and would be a lot easier, not to mention that messing around with the caching functioning is asking for odd things to happen.
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