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    • 5811
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    Find on this page the release 1.1 of the checkLanguageFile tool.

    This tool runs only with MODx Evolution.
    Short Description: Modx language files checking tool

    Version: 1.1


    First parse the language file to detect any PHP parsing errors
    Checks the labels of one or several language files regarding the english file reference.
    Installer ou manager could be selected.
    For each language provides the list of labels in double, not translated and the list of useless labels.
    Works on local environment without MODx. To use simply place this file to the root of your local MODx environment
    and call it by: http://localhost/checkLanguageFiles.php
    New features added with the release 1.1:
    - Parse the language file to detect any PHP parsing errors
    - check the labels in double

    Thanks for your feedback if you notice any issue or wrong checking report.
      • 25663 MODX Staff
      • 12,272 Posts
      Thank you very much coroico. smiley
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 20289
        • 958 Posts
        Hello Brunaud, Sounds promising, I’m going to check the checking tool right away grin
        BTW, Hello Ryan grin happy new avatar laugh wink
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          [font=tahoma][برای دسترسی به راهنمای فارسی به [url=http://www.modxcms.ir]
          • 5811
          • 1,717 Posts
          Find on this page the release 1.2 of the checkLanguageFiles tool.

          This tool runs only with MODx Evolution.
          Short Description: Modx language files checking tool

          Version: 1.2


          - First parse the language file to detect any PHP parsing errors
          - Select the language reference: english, francais-utf8, japanese-utf8 ....
          - Checks the labels of one or several language files regarding the selected file reference Installer, manager or snippet language files could be checked
          - Choose the reference language (usually english) and the array of language labels (usually _lang)
          - For each language provides the list of labels in double, not translated and the list of useless labels
          - Works on local environment without MODx. To use simply place this file to the root of your local MODx environment and call it by: http://localhost/checkLanguageFiles.php

          New features added with the release 1.2:
          - Check the language files of any snippet
          - Choose the reference language file (usually english) and the array of language labels (usually _lang)

          Works with AjaxSearch on the demo site. Try it!
          Thanks for your feedback if you notice any issue or wrong checking report.
            • 22668
            • 718 Posts
            Just checked on localhost (xampp 1.7.2) and hosting. I receive "Check your reference file name!".
            Work only manager language checker.
            PHP 5.3.0

            And my little wish:
            If I rename file, it will not work. (fallbacks to full file name)

            Oops. Sorry, I forget about new language path since r5617
            And of course, read instruction not attentively.

            All works fine grin
            BTW. Please add support of new path.
              • 5811
              • 1,717 Posts
              If you get Check your reference file name! this means that the language reference provided doesn’t exist in the directory you give. are you that this file exists ?

              If I rename file, it will not work. (fallbacks to full file name)
              Ok I will change this. [EDIT: Done]
                • 22668
                • 718 Posts
                Language tool unavailable.
                  • 5811
                  • 1,717 Posts
                  Demo site with the checkLanguageFiles tool now available again.
                    • 5811
                    • 1,717 Posts
                    The release 1.3 of the language files checking tool is available on http://www.evo.wangba.fr

                    You can use to check the missing labels for MODx 1.0.3

                    As example for Francais-utf8 the results for the installer are the followings:
                    Checking francais-utf8
                    Language file analysed:    C:/www/MODx-1.0.3/install/lang/francais-utf8.inc.php
                    English reference file used:    C:/www/MODx-1.0.3/install/lang/english.inc.php
                    Labels in double ? ...
                    No. Great!
                    Same number of labels ? ...
                    Total number of labels are different!
                    - english labels:181
                    - new language file:172
                    Are reference labels all translated ? ...
                    These labels have not been translated:
                    - no
                    - recommend_setting_change_title
                    - recommend_setting_change_validate_referer_confirmation
                    - recommend_setting_change_validate_referer_description
                    - system_configuration
                    - system_configuration_validate_referer_description
                    - tvs
                    - validate_referer_title
                    - yes
                    Useless labels ? ...

                    And for the manager:
                    Checking francais-utf8
                    Language file analysed:    C:/www/MODx-1.0.3/manager/includes/lang/francais-utf8.inc.php
                    English reference file used:    C:/www/MODx-1.0.3/manager/includes/lang/english.inc.php
                    Labels in double ? ...
                    No. Great!
                    Same number of labels ? ...
                    Total number of labels are different!
                    - english labels:1050
                    - new language file:1047
                    Are reference labels all translated ? ...
                    These labels have not been translated:
                    - configcheck_php_gdzip
                    - configcheck_php_gdzip_msg
                    - default
                    Useless labels ? ...

                    [EDIT] Don’t start the translation of the missing French labels !
                    An update of the French language files has been proposed. See http://svn.modxcms.com/jira/browse/MODX-1807.
                      • 25663 MODX Staff
                      • 12,272 Posts
                      Thanks corioco.
                        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me