I am re-creating a hobby site with MODX as there are 3 of us that will update it. Basically I have added meta tag TV’s before i.e.
Add this to my template:-
<meta name="keywords" content="[*meta-keywords*]" />
<meta name="description" content="[*meta-description*]" />
Create a TV
called: meta-description
Input Type: textarea
Default value: @INHERIT Tea and cake is a site dedicated to the little ritual that is tea and cakes, bake a cake, afternoon tea, cake recipes and more...
ticked for it to be used in the homepage template
AND it works fine on Level1 navigation (I have set it up so there are classes set for Level1, Level2 and Level3, with a sub-nav class for all sub <ul>
BUT when you click on a Level2 (second nav) option the entire page goes white
If you click view source..... nothing there????
Very odd as I have done this on 2 other websites and not had a problem.
If I take out this bit [*meta-description*] from the template it all works fine again?
Any advice ideas why its doing that?