I have a website with more than 1200 documents, with 6 different templates.
Now, I need to create whole website in another language.
I will duplicate whole tree and this is OK, but, I need to create 6 new templates with different language (not only a wayfinder root but also lot of other changes).
The question is:
it there a plugin or module or whatever way to say something like:
in all child documents to document ID 1267 (1267**) change template "shop-german" to template "shop-serbian"
in all child documents to document ID 1267 (1267**) change template "product-german" to template "product-serbian"
in all child documents to document ID 1267 (1267**) change template "regular-german" to template "regular-serbian"
www.nikolic-viljuskari.net/cms is german website...Now, I need all that in Serbian
Thanx in advance...