A few minor issues:
A more current version of PrevJumpNext can be found here
Added the # to the [*#sidebar*] TV tags so it can be edited via QuickEdit.
In the header chunk, the charset should always be set to [(modx_charset)] to avoid potential conflicts with the server. The base tag should not be self-closing, as this will break in some versions of IE.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=[(modx_charset)]" />
<base href="[(site_url)]"></base>
In the footer chunk, the link to the site can be set to [~[(site_start)]~] rather than just /. I also added the CopyYears snippet here.
<p class="credits">All images and content © [!CopyYears? &startYear=`2009`!] <a href="[~[(site_start)]~]" title="[(site_name)]">[(site_name)]</a> all rights reserved | <a href="http://www.modxcms.com" title="made in modx">modx</a> template by <a href="http://www.freeotoole.com.au" title="Website design by Free O'Toole">Free O'Toole</a></p>