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    • 6561
    • 139 Posts
    I have a TV for my meta keywords called ’Se-Keywords’. How can I make it so that when someone fills in keywords in a folder, the children in that folder inherit those keywords?
    • make the default value for that TV
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 6561
        • 139 Posts
        Thanks. Now in the manager, the input field shows ’@inherit’ as a value... is it possible to show the actual values there?
        • Not currently without additional development. I think this has been requested officially in JIRA and if not it certainly should be. Definitely been talked about before.
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 18374
            • 69 Posts
            I requested it in JIRA a couple of weeks ago. smiley

            The current workaround I’m using (my situation involves radio buttons) is to have an additional radio button with a value set to "(Inherited from parent)==@INHERIT"

            That way, when the default value is set to @INHERIT it will precheck the Inherited from parent radio button by default. Not the most UX-friendly solution, but an improvement over showing @INHERIT text to end users (the equivalent in my case was not selecting a radio button at all, making it look like they had to make a choice).