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    • 1343 ☆ A M B ☆
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    This is an auto-generated support/comment thread for MultiFlex v3.

    Use this forum to post any comments about this addition or any questions you have regarding its use.

    Brief Description:
    A conversion of MultiFlex version 2 - 2 column edition.
      Patrick | Server Wrangler
      About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
      • 14950
      • 1 Posts
      I’m new to MODx and css but I had been asked to port the MultiFlex v2.1b (very close to multiflex3 - I added the search also) which I have done but a request has been made to make it a completely "liquid" template. This is now giving me a headache in the header area. Is this even a reasonable request since Dreamweaver and other utilities have some negative comments concerning % scaling.

      With multiflex3 can I legally modify the footer/copyright area?

      This may be a dumb question but looking at your multiflex 3 template I notice the use of chunks, can these be put into a snippett allowing numerical input of (for instance) a number corresponding to the number of sections to placed into a sidebar ( I have a standard naming convention [abbreviatons] for template variables such that this number could be appended and I have an sed script to parse all variable names and generate the sql script adding them to the database and parsing the abbreviations creating automated descriptions.)

      When you use snippetts and chunks do you have an IDE that can handle the displaying of them? I found an MODx add in for Dreamweaver but of course it won’t display them (I’m wondering how hard it would be to write one.) I’m assuming you port/create the template then break it into chunks and snippets requiring going back to the template to make (m)any changes in the IDE and then breaking it up again

      MODx,php,js,html huh What is the order of parsing when using MODx so I know how to write my code?

      I’d love to port MODx to Openlaszlo any thoughts of this?

        • 1343 ☆ A M B ☆
        • 2,213 Posts

        The Multiflex series of templates are created by Gerhard (1234.info). You are welcome to use the template in any manner he approves. I just converted the template for use with MODx. I only ask if you use one of my conversions you send me an email with your site so I can see how you used it.

        As for creating MODx templates the process is more or less build a page so you have a working design that’s tested, then break it up using placeholders and if needed insert content into chunks, snippets, TVs, or whatever you want.

        I use chunks for all the templates I convert, but you can easily switch some of those to snippets or even TVs to add additional functionality.

        I hope that answers your questions.
          Patrick | Server Wrangler
          About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
          • 29194
          • 3 Posts

          I have trying to setup Multiflex4.2, one thing I am stuck is how to setup the search function to enable visitors to search for item within the website? Is there anything to enable or how do you simply set it up.

          Any help will be appreciated.


            • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
            • 24,524 Posts
            Search for MODx is usually handled with the AjaxSearch snippet; this was included with your MODx installation. Just put the snippet tags [!AjaxSearch!] wherever you want the search form to appear. You can customize it to suit your requirements.
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              • 1343 ☆ A M B ☆
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              Sottwell is correct you just need to add the AjaxSearch and then template it some to work with the multiflex series of templates.

              If I get the time I will try to put together the required code for you, but it shouldn’t be too hard to get working. I know when I original did my site using the search I recall needing to edit the template file, but now it can be done in a chunk so it’s not that hard.

                Patrick | Server Wrangler
                About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
                • 29194
                • 3 Posts

                Thanks, looking forward for your reply.


                  • 1343 ☆ A M B ☆
                  • 2,213 Posts

                  Give this a try... I haven’t tested it, but it should work or be very close...

                  Create Chunk: search_tpl

                  <div class="searchform"> 
                  	<form [+as.formId+] action="[+as.formAction+]" method="post">
                  				<input id="ajaxSearch_input" type="hidden" name="advSearch" value="[+as.advSearch+]" />
                  				<input type="text" class="field" value="Start your search..." name="search" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='Start your search...')? '' : this.value ;" onblur="if (this.value == '') { this.value='Start your search...'; }" />
                  				<input id="ajaxSearch_submit" type="submit" name="button" class="button" value="Search" />

                  Use this call: [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &AS_landing=`LANDINGPAGEID` &tplLayout=`search_tpl` &breadcrumbs=`Breadcrumbs,showHomeCrumb:0,showCrumbsAtHome:1`!]

                  The call needs to go in the location for the search box.

                  The above code is for MF5, but should apply to MF 3/4 as well.

                    Patrick | Server Wrangler
                    About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
                    • 29194
                    • 3 Posts

                    Thanks, sorry to be a pain where do I put the code in the following:

                    <!-- A.4 HEADER BREADCRUMBS -->

                    <!-- Breadcrumbs -->
                    <div class="header-breadcrumbs">


                    <!-- Search form -->
                    <div class="searchform">
                    <form action="index.html" method="get">
                    <input name="field" class="field" value=" Search..." />
                    <input type="submit" name="button" class="button" value="GO!" />

                    <!-- END COPY here -->

                    Your help will be much appreciated.

                      • 1343 ☆ A M B ☆
                      • 2,213 Posts
                      <!-- A.4 HEADER BREADCRUMBS -->

                      <!-- Breadcrumbs -->
                      <div class="header-breadcrumbs">


                      <!-- Search form -->
                      ## REMOVE ##
                      <div class="searchform">
                      <form action="index.html" method="get">
                      <input name="field" class="field" value=" Search..." />
                      <input type="submit" name="button" class="button" value="GO!" />
                      ## END REMOVE ##

                      <!-- END COPY here -->

                      Remove the code between the ## REMOVE ## and insert this:

                      [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &AS_landing=`LANDINGPAGEID` &tplLayout=`search_tpl` &breadcrumbs=`Breadcrumbs,showHomeCrumb:0,showCrumbsAtHome:1`!]

                      You need to change LANDINGPAGEID to the page ID where you will display the results (ie you have this code: [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &AS_showForm=`0`!] )

                      You can read more about configuring/using AjaxSearh here: http://wiki.modxcms.com/index.php/AjaxSearch

                        Patrick | Server Wrangler
                        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting