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  • This is an auto-generated support/comment thread for Andreas01 Template.

    Use this forum to post any comments about this addition or any questions you have regarding its use.

    Brief Description:
    A port of Andreas01
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      I have just downloaded and installed ModX ( .. so far most things are running smoothly but the templating is my first major hurdle....

      The first issue is that the instructions for installation say "Copy/paste the text from the template file into a new template form in Manager" which seem to assume too much about where the OTHER stuff should go (CSS, images etc).

      Anyway, following my nose I proceeded as follows:

      (1) Stripped all the files of "carriage return" (\r) characters and replaced them with "newline" (\n) characters
      (2) Moved the style directory to " .../templates/andreas01/style"
      (3) Moved the images directory to ".../templates/andreas01/images"
      (4) Entered one-by-one all the snippets and chunks as new snippets and chunks

      (Just as an aside, is this really necessary... some CMS allow the user to upload an entire template as one zip file with one click..)

      Then I observed the following error cropping up in the www-error log

      File does not exist: /home/staff/gordon/WWW/modx-, referer: http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~gordon/modx-

      Looking at "andreas01.css" it has a line "url(bg.gif)" which I think should be "url(../images/bg.gif)" or something like that.. of course it is only a single white line so it doesn’t make a HUGE difference, but might as well be correct.

      However a more important issue is that it changes some formatting in an unpleasant way...

      Here is a screenshot of the "blog module" in the default format:

      while here with andreas01

      (The images may not be attached correctly, because it is my first go on these forums, but hopefully they will be clear enough).

      The andreas01 theme has omitted the spacing and colouring...

      Any clues..



      • The template’s CSS does not have rules for all the possible snippets or addons that could be used. Styling those is up to the developer.

        There is a new version of the template in the Repository that is SkinGraft ready. Manual installation has also been simplified, and the instructions clarified.
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          Quote from: sottwell at Nov 02, 2006, 06:26 PM

          The template’s CSS does not have rules for all the possible snippets or addons that could be used. Styling those is up to the developer.

          OK, that makes sense - I was making some assumptions about how things worked that were obviously not correct (I assumed that adding a new template would ADD (i.e. cascade) on top of the default template, thus keeping the default styling for all the default snippets/add-ons that you get when first setting up the system that were not re-styled by the new template). But now I look at the structure of the directories, the default is really just an "example" rather than a built-in default.

          I have one question about the "workflow" in such a situation - if I wanted to create/use CSS for the comments module, then would I just add them to and/or modify "andreas01.css", or can/should I keep my own variations separate in some way?

          One more question... I have located options for re-templating the entire site and for re-templating an individual page.. is there any way of saying "apply template to this page and all its children (recursively)".



          • It is possible to use $modx->regClientCss() in a snippet to have MODx add a link to a css file only on documents that need it, for example on a page with a form. This is buggy in some versions, however, so caution is advised. It is also true that the more "little" files the browser has to request, the longer the page is going to take to load. Some studies even suggest that lots of little files can cause the visitor’s "upstream" speed, which is usually much less than their "download" speed, to be the cause of a slow page load! So I always just add a section at the bottom of my main css file for specific forms and such.
            /********** Jot Form **********/
            #jotBlock form{

            And there is a plugin for "inheriting" templates somewhere around here.
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              Hello Susan,
              I like Andreas01 but encounter some problems.
              I use the SEO friendly URLs, of course.

              1. the menu displays in IE too much indented and overlaps the main content. Childs do this even more. In FF childs aren’t indented at all and the menu displays correctly in the left column.

              2. the navigation on child pages is screwed up. There is no return to the toplevel possible once you are inside a folder of a category (named after the parent alias name)

              3. the paths to images and style sheet as well as javascript files are also broken on child pages

              I do like this template really but I’d need someone for fixing these bugs. Can I hire you?
              • It’s all in the CSS for the menu, and I don’t have IE.

                This template was ported before Wayfinder was available. Try replacing the DropMenuS snippet call with this:
                [[Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &hideSubMenus=`1` &removeNewLines=`1`]]

                You’ll need to adjust the CSS for the "here" or "active" links, but this should work better. Wayfinder is much more flexible.

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