Here it is, the
Facebook Like Button for Easy 2 Gallery.
Extract this to
If you need to change any settings, you can edit the template file:
You need to add the plugin into the database:
1. Menu > Plugins > Add tab >
2. Fill these up:
Name: facebooklikebutton
Description : Facebook Like Button
Plugin disabled : Check (unless you want to enable this as the default, uncheck this)
Index file : assets/libs/plugins/facebooklikebutton/index.php
System Events : check "OnE2GWebThumbRender (thumb:pluginName#render)"
3. SAVE.
Now call this with snippet (again, snippet call overrides the disabled plugin setting):
[!easy2? &gid=`9,10` &plugin=`thumb:facebooklikebutton#render`!]
See the attachment as the result example.