Having got the gallery to work locally, I have uploaded to my site (
www.darrenjehan.me.uk) but none of the images show.
Manager can’t see the galleries either.
I have scoured the forums and as far as I can see I have the required components installed. phpinfo() tells me that GD is enabled, which is what I think is required. Gallery is installed of course, and I have copied over all the album directories and images, colorbox and its JS and CSS files.
I have checked the namespace for gallery and it’s OK, and I have amended the file paths in system settings for gallery to (for example)
gallery.files_path = /home/darrenje/public_html/assets/components/gallery/files/
I have set the gallery.files_url to
If I enter
http://darrenjehan.me.uk/assets/components/gallery/files/ then I get a list of the album directories.
Finally, when I look at page source (for the Galley home) I can see the following in the href tag:
"album-view.php?galAlbum=1"><img src="/assets/components/gallery/connector.php?action=web/phpthumb&w=130&h=92&zc=1&far=C&q=90&src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.darrenjehan.me.uk%2Fassets%2Fcomponents%2Fgallery%2Ffiles%2F1%2F1.jpg"
When I follow that link I get
[2011-07-26 14:10:57] (ERROR @ /home/darrenje/public_html/core/model/phpthumb/phpthumb.functions.php : 474) PHP warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons
What does this error mean I need to do??
Thanks in advance