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    I am relatively new to Gallery, MODx, and, indeed, web development. I am a coder in the more general sense, however - with experience in C# and Java, amongst others (just so you know you don’t need to dumb stuff down for me!)

    I am attempting to use Gallery on my website. I have used the basic example in the documentation, and have attempted tweaking it a little. The code I have is as follows:

    [[!Gallery? &toPlaceholder=`gallery`]]
    [[!GalleryAlbums? &prominentOnly=`0` &limit=`0` &toPlaceholder=`galleries`]]
    <hr />
    <a name="largeImage"> </a><p/>
    <div class="image">
      <!--<a href="[[+galitem.image]]">--><img class="[[+galitem.imgCls]]" src="[[+galitem.image]]" alt="[[+galitem.name]]" /><!--</a>-->
      <br />Albums: [[+galitem.albums]]
      <br />Tags: [[+galitem.tags]]

    What I am attempting to do (with little success) is append a "#largeImage" to the url when the thumbnail is clicked, which should force the page to jump to where the larger image is being displayed.

    As such, where can I adjust the url? I have found the parameters in the PHP for gallery, but I can’t work out how to append to the end of it - or if I do it in the php of course, it reads it as a parameter and so converts it to percent encoding (%23)... of course, because the last parameter could be blank, technically I need to append a "&#largeImage" - but I can’t work that out either.

    Thank you for any help you can give,
