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  • I just implemented the Gallery Plugin for MODx Revolution 2.0.7. It works fine in FF, IE7 and IE8. Then I decided to try out the Galleriffic Plugin settings. With this plugin, the gallery worked great in FF, but in both IE’s nothing worked. The page displayed all thumbnail images and associated content - title, description etc., and the slideshow didn’t work, and when you click on the image nothing happens. Now I really didn’t do anything to customize it, I just added the following to my snippet code:
    [[!Gallery? &album=`Bildmaterial` &plugin=`galleriffic` &gallerifficThumbWidth=`100` &gallerifficThumbHeight=`100` &navigationWidth=`520` &playLinkText=`Slideshow abspielen` &pauseLinkText=`Pausieren` &prevLinkText=`zurück` &nextLinkText=`weiter` &numThumbs=`16` &enableTopPager=`0`]]

    Anyone else having this problem?
      Benjamin Davis: American web designer living in Munich, Germany and a MODX Ambassador. I am also co-founder of SEDA.digital, a MODX Agency.
    • Ok, found the problem. it was a dumb HTML mistake on my part. In my template I forgot to close out my <li> tag. Firefox forgave the mistake, but IE did not. Sorry for wasting your time.
        Benjamin Davis: American web designer living in Munich, Germany and a MODX Ambassador. I am also co-founder of SEDA.digital, a MODX Agency.
      • Never a waste of time; this sort of thing (while it may be embarrassing to admit) is very helpful in reminding all of us to pay attention, and validate, validate, validate whenever in doubt!
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          Agreed! Its also nice of you to add the solution to your problem.

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