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    • 1978
    • 131 Posts
    Dear splittingred, thank you very much for this plugin.

    After reading documentation I didn’t completely understand how do I make watermarks showing on every thumb and large image.

    By now I only could do it for one galleryItem and I need it for all my gallery items.

    I guess I can configure it with phpthumb itself but didn’t find such option in assets/components/phpthumb/phpThumb.config.php

    As docs http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net/demo/docs/phpthumb.readme.txt says there is wanted option "wmt" (WaterMarkText) but where should I put it and how exactly?

    I did it by appending it here

    <a href="[[+galitem.image]]"><img class="[[+galitem.imgCls]]" src="[[+galitem.image]]&fltr[]=wmt|example.com|5|BR|ffffff|||5|||100|0" alt="[[*pagetitle]] [[+galitem.name]]" /></a>

    Is there any other way?

    Also I didn’t find where to edit GalleryItem TV template sad
      Как русифировать Modx, TinyMCE)
      QuickEdit под win-1251 без mb_-функций
      • 1978
      • 131 Posts
      found gallery item TV file - but I still don’t understand where can I set classes?


      line 69
      $value = '<img src="'.$url.'" alt="'.$data['gal_description'].'" title="'.$data['gal_name'].'" class="'.$data['gal_class'].'" />';
        Как русифировать Modx, TinyMCE)
        QuickEdit под win-1251 без mb_-функций