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    • 9359
    • 128 Posts
    Hello everybody,
    i have a question...
    can i make two Maxigallery call in the same page?

      "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
      • 26016
      • 561 Posts
      Yes, you can. As I recall, I did that to bring in photos from 2 or more different document trees, and you could also use that to have different styles of galleries on one page.

        MODx and Wordpress development
        Linux, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0, Evo 1.05, Revo 2.08-pl, Firefox 4
        • 9359
        • 128 Posts

        Thanks a lot, but how?
        I tried to make the same call in two places on the page, but I always show the same picture ...
          "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
          • 26016
          • 561 Posts
          What you’re describing sounds like it will always get the same picture. smiley

          You will need to provide much more detail than that to get a good answer.
            MODx and Wordpress development
            Linux, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0, Evo 1.05, Revo 2.08-pl, Firefox 4
            • 9359
            • 128 Posts
            Ok, i try to explain better...

            this is my html code in the page:

            [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &pics_per_row=`3` &max_thumb_size=`110` &max_pic_size=`0` &thumb_use_dropshadow=`1`!]

            <p>text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text </p>

            [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &pics_per_row=`3` &max_thumb_size=`110` &max_pic_size=`0` &thumb_use_dropshadow=`1`!]

            when i go in front end i see two manage picture buttons, but if i put a image in the first Maxigallery call and one picture in second Maxigallery call, the page show two image in first call and two images (the same!!) in the second call.... huh

              "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
              • 26016
              • 561 Posts
              Ah yes, mon ami, that’s much clearer. smiley

              Here’s a method that might work for you... I just tested it (it had been a long time, and I think it’s what I did before).

              Instead of having 2 calls on that page, you could try this. Make 2 documents under your gallery page (child documents). Mark them to not be in the menu (if desired). Then put a Maxigallery call into each page, and upload photos to each of them.

              Now here’s the key. In the page where you want 2 galleries to appear, make this type of call:

              [!MaxiGallery? &gal_query_ids=`50` !]
              Paragraph of regular text here....
              [!MaxiGallery? &gal_query_ids=`51` !]

              And those numbers will correspond to the document numbers of your "subpages" of galleries. It worked great for me.

              Cheers, Dave
                MODx and Wordpress development
                Linux, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0, Evo 1.05, Revo 2.08-pl, Firefox 4
                • 9359
                • 128 Posts
                Hi samba,
                Many thx!!!!
                This method also works for me, but when you click on the thumb, it opens the child page, instead of opening large images in popup.
                It goes like this too?

                  "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
                  • 26016
                  • 561 Posts
                  Good point, you’re exercising my little brain here, that happened to me, too.

                  I was able to get them working better by copying some of the call parameters to the "2 call page", that is, the main gallery page. Just be sure to keep the "&gal_query_ids=" part in there. See if that works for you. Like this:

                  [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &gal_query_ids=`50`!]
                    MODx and Wordpress development
                    Linux, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0, Evo 1.05, Revo 2.08-pl, Firefox 4
                    • 9359
                    • 128 Posts
                    yesss it works!!!!!
                    many many thx samba!!!

                      "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
                      • 26016
                      • 561 Posts
                      Glad to hear it, you’re welcome!

                      It was a good refresher for me on Maxi. There’s so much in there, but it does take some fiddling, and sometimes even templating. I use Maxi for automatically running slideshows, all kinds of stuff.

                      I use Revo, too, but as you can see on the forums, people are having trouble all the time with the galleries for that, so it’s good to still have Maxi with Evo as an option.

                      Another thing that I do when none of the normal galleries work in either system is to just use some of the millions of excellent JQuery galleries that are out there. Many of them can be easily dropped into MODx or any system, and just require moderate set-up skills.

                        MODx and Wordpress development
                        Linux, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0, Evo 1.05, Revo 2.08-pl, Firefox 4