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    Hi all,

    I’ve been messing around when I have time with trying to extend the sessions for MODx but have yet to see a really good solution. I have read extensively on the forums here looking for useful hacks or info on it. I found someone elses post thinking much like I am, why not just use cookies. In that thread it was just kinda shot down as the busy session file thing. Heh.

    I’d really like to know what it is I’m missing here. phpBB can handle it, SMF which MODx is so closely tied to has an option whenever you sign in, session length: default is forever! So why can’t we use something similar and wouldn’t it make a lot more sense than having to login in again before commiting extensive changes to every document???

    Please take this as looking for constructive help on solving this issue and not just a gripe, though by the topic title you get the idea. rolleyes

    • Absolutely 100% agreed Indie; there should be options to allow users to stay logged in as long as they specify they want to -- this has to be fixed in the next release, and I will see what I can do to make that happen.