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    • 165 Posts

    What is the exact use of &docid and &tagid? I wasn’t able to understand from their description in the snippet.

    Can someone please elaborate on the usage of the same.

    Can I do this?

    I have a folder called articles which in turn contains sub-folders. Every document inside artilces and its sub-folders uses a template called ap-articles. Therefore I can add the UserComment snippet call to the template itself. Hope I’m doing this right?

    I have folder called comments where I want to store all the comments. I guess even that is possible.

    Now, how do i do this?
    I want to have a link "Comments" at the bottom each stroy which will take the user to a seperate page where she only sees the title of the story (not the rest of the story content), the comments posted for the story and the form for posting comments.

    The reason for this is, the articles are really long, and with comments below them, the page gets really really long.

    Can user comments be paginated?

    Sorry for the long post.
