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    • 14864
    • 24 Posts
    I have a paginated gallery with 40 images.

    I am only showing 6 images per call via the following maxiGallery call.
    [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &order_by=`date` &pics_per_page=`6` &pics_per_row=`6` &max_thumb_size=`125` &max_pic_size=`0` &keep_date=`1` &max_pic_size=`600x600` &galleryOuterTpl=`artist_gallery_Outertpl` &galleryPictureTpl=`artist_gallery_Picturetpl`!]

    Here is my custom OuterTpl.
      <br />
    <div class="childscontainer">
      <ul class="thumbs">
    <div id="myGallery[+maxigallery.config.smoothgallery_id:isnot=`-1`:then=`[+maxigallery.config.smoothgallery_id+]`:else=`[+maxigallery.pageinfo.id+]`+]"> [+maxigallery.pictures+] </div>
    <div class="thumbscontainer">
      <ul class="thumbs">
    <div id="previous_next_container">
      <div id="previous_left">[+maxigallery.currentpage:is=`1`:then=`
        `:else=` <a href="[+maxigallery.previous_page_url+]">[+maxigallery.strings.previous+] </a>`+]</div>
      <div id="next_right">[+maxigallery.currentpage:is=`[+maxigallery.pagecount+]`:then=`
        `:else=` <a href="[+maxigallery.next_page_url+]">[+maxigallery.strings.next+]</a> `+]</div>

    Here is my pictureTpl
    <a href="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]"
    <img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+]tn_[+maxigallery.picture.filename+]"
    class="thumbnail" title="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+]
    [+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" />

    When I click on a thumbnail I would like the slimbox to show all images in the gallery depending on where you are in the pagination.

    I am following the wiki on how to have One thumb, but all pic in slimbox to no avail.

    Here is my second gallery call:
    [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &order_by=`date` &limit=`99999` &galleryOuterTpl=`artist_gallery_Outertpl_hidden` &galleryPictureTpl=`artist_gallery_hidden_tpl` &manageOuterTpl=`CODE:` &manageButtonTpl=`CODE:`!] 

    Here is the OuterTpl for the second gallery call:
      <ul class="thumbs">

    Here is the PictureTpl for the second gallery call:
    <a href="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]"
    <img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+]tn_[+maxigallery.picture.filename+]"
    class="thumbnail" title="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+]
    [+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" />

    I would be gratefull for any help on this.
      • 9359
      • 128 Posts
      Hi Jqdesigner,
      i see that you have solved your problem, do you can post how?
      i have same problem.

        "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice"
        • 25132
        • 129 Posts
        I am trying to figure this one out too so please post your solution! Thanks!!! (P.S. Love that website!)
          • 25132
          • 129 Posts
          Yeah, I figured it out smiley Had a look at the source code of that website and took it from there. Based on that code, there are two MaxiGallery calls on the page:

          - One that determines the displayed images which are broken down into a set number of images and just one row
          - One that calls the entire MaxiGallery with all images but is set not to display and also calls a different galleryPictureTpl file (which I named galleryslimboxtpl.html).

          On my own site, this now looks lie this:
          [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &pics_per_page=`4` &pics_per_row=`4` &max_thumb_size=`205x154` &max_pic_size=`600` &max_big_size=`600` &order_direction=`ASC`!]
          [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &max_thumb_size=`205x154` &max_pic_size=`600` &max_big_size=`600` &order_direction=`ASC` &galleryPictureTpl=`@FILE:/assets/snippets/maxigallery/templates/galleryslimboxtpl.html`!] 

          My galleryslimboxtpl.html is a direct copy of the default gallerypicturetpl.html file located in assets/snippets/maxigallery/templates. I made two changes:

          - on line 27 (because I am using slimbox), I added style="display:none;":

          	</a><a style="display:none;" href="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" rel="lightbox[maxigallery]" title="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+] - [+maxigallery.picture.descr:htmlent+]">

          - on line 50 I changed:

          <img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+]tn_[+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" class="thumbnail" title="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+] [+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" alt="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+] [+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" />



          So now, on my page there are 4 thumbnail images shown with Next/Previous links etc. to see further thumbnails, but if you click on any of the thumbnails you get to see a slimbox slideshow for all images in the gallery, not just the first 4.

          Hope this is of use to others.
            • 25132
            • 129 Posts
            Ok, still have one small problem which is that the Manage Pictures button come sup twice etc. I’m sure there is a way around this and I will post when I’ve found it.