This is a collection of various MaxiGallery posts and links that give you usefull information. Please check these first before posting the same things. I’m going to update this post constantly so be sure to check back time to time...
Feel free to post suggestions for the list below in this thread. I will remove posts from the thread once I have added the suggested infromation to the list.
I’m hoping that this will cut down some of the most usual questions / problems and give also one common place to look for extra stuff about MaxiGallery that you probably didn’t know yet. Thanks for your cooperation!
MaxiGallery wiki page
Q: Clicking manage pictures does nothing, or manage pictures button is not visible
A: Call MaxiGallery always uncached [!MaxiGallery...!] or have the document set to not cacheable! (unless if you know what you are doing)
Q: Things are not looking like they should. Layouts wrong, borders on thumbnails, etc..
A: Most probably a CSS collision between MaxiGallery css and your site (or some other component) css. Try commenting all site css off and see if MaxiGallery works then. Then bring back your site css one block at a time to see where it breaks.
Q: Parameters do not have any effect.
A: Make sure that you use back ticks for enclosing the values in snippet call parameters e.g. --> ` and not single quotes. Make sure that you use uncached snippet calls or that the page is set to not cacheable. All imaging operations, such as resizing, filters, masks etc. are done on upload. So if you change parameters that affect to how pictures appear, you need to re-upload the images. If you want to avoid this re-upload process, use MaxiGallery just to manage the pictures and to do rough re-sizing on upload. Then use phpThumb PHx modifier in MaxiGallery templates to do the finer resizing and image effects. phpThumb caches the images it renders, but if you change it’s parameters, it will re-process the images on first request.
Q: Embed type is not working, images open in blank windows etc.
A: Probably a JS collision. You can only have one js library in use on your page, unless they are configured to run in "no conflict" mode. The default MaxiGallery embed types use following js libraries: lightboxv2 uses prototype+scriptaculous, slimbox uses mootools, smoothgallery uses mootools, slidebox uses prototype. So they will all collide for example with jQuery (for that you should look at ThickBox implementation on MaxiGallery wiki page). AjaxSearch and QuickEdit both use some js libraries, so if you have those in use, make sure you use same libs for MaxiGallery. Also check that javascript libraries are not included twice on the page <head>. You can use &disable_js_libs=`1` parameter in MaxiGallery to disable the automatic js library registering (it will still include the necessary script to do the work).
MaxiGallery snippet call isn’t parsed
Why does my ’manage pictures’ button disappear?
PHx syntax printed to page, usually after certain amount of pictures on page
Layout issues, things not looking like they should
Possible to use html in customFields? (or default fields)
MaxiGallery including js and css resources twice
Is it possible to do a bulk upload somehow?
Error: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory
Error: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ImageCreateFromJPEG()
Error: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect.
Error: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move ’...
Parse error: Table ’xxxxx_maxigallery’ already exists
Parse error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; SQL: CREATE TABLE...
Error: Function split() is deprecated
Picpagenumber not available?
Lighbox / Slimbox / embed type not working
SmoothGallery or other embedtype not working when using AjaxSearch
jQuery embed type (ThickBox)
Resync problems (renames files, filenames start with 111.. etc)
Multiple calls, can’t save title or description
Show gallery from other document
Fetching and displaying image dimensions in MaxiGallery
Can I have more than 1 maxigallery in one page?
Manage Gallery form duplicated (CHMOD Error)
Usefull information / How to..
Square thumbnails with phpThumb
Resizing thumbnails on the fly: using phpthumb for SQUARE thumbnails
Square thumbnails or at least square "cells" around thumbs
Maxigallery backend manager with ManagerManager
How to make a gallery of links
How to display picture and thumbnails on same page AND provide link to big image
Defining a first or last CSS class to thumbnails in a row
Create front-end user galleries! [WIKI posting]
MaxiGallery: Front end user created galleries - how I got it to work
Plugin that removes Galleries on document removal (empty trash)
Create a gallery for each web users
Default name for pictures if title wasn’t given
Using smoothgallery embed type with jQuery
Styling title and caption in slimbox and other image viewers
HTML tags in thumbnail tooltips
Multiple galleries on one page to same slimbox / lightbox picture set
Vertical scroll in MaxiGallery? + SmoothGallery external Carousel
how can i add a previous/next link to "Picture and thumbnails on same page" ?
How to display picture and thumbnails and add Mootools effects
SmoothGallery carousel open by default
SmoothGallery External carousel not scrolling with disabled infopane
SmoothGallery seperated infopanel
Shadowbox JS in MaxiGallery
MaxiGallery as a site wide image manager
Create XML feed for Flash gallery
Picture and thumbnails on same page (without javascript)
Maxigallery with fancybox
Lightbox images ("close" "next" etc) missing
SmoothGallery: After clicking into "Carousel" thumbnails scroll but BOUNCE
Todo for next version.. Language files.. Patches...
Priorities for next version
Base language files for v0.5.1
MaxiGallery with Flash Uploader
Need for unique gallery id parameter
Check image file size on upload
BUG?/FIX big_image missing
Exif data reading problems
Extra parameter to disable manage picture part
Vertical resize not working.. fixed
thumb_use_dropshadow, get black border instead of shadow?
thumbnail view
&childgalleries_order_by=`random` not working
TV names collide with something, bug?
[+maxigallery.picscount+] in galleryPictureTpl
Tip : Code to control image file size on upload
Getting user information from own_id
Maximum Rows per page. Is this possible?
Error: Function split() is deprecated
Don’t show clearerTpl after last row
Childgallery offset parameter
"He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
If someone remembers something that I’ve promised to do or add for the next release and it’s not in the list above (in the Todo section), or in the v0.6 test version thread, please link the post here so I can add it. I haven’t really made any list about those things, so I might forget something. Thanks
"He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
TODO WISH! ---> Using Multiple calls!?
I remember I saw somebody creating parameters for turning off picture management.
That is nicer then using another docID and manually link them.
( 0.5.2 -->,36189.msg218891.html#msg218891 )
//EDIT --> I forgot to say - THANK YOU for your awesome contribution to MODx.
@mrhaw & Dimmy
The manage button disabling is already on that list above.. Thanks to Dimmy for that btw!
I don’t know if there’s really possible fix for that. I think that PHx just hits the "maximum passes" limit that is set in the plugin. That value can be configured though. In MaxiGallery users can also do custom templates that do not use PHx at all or use very little of PHx syntax. PHx usage is not needed in the templates, the default ones just use it heavily so that they can support all the various display types from single templates. But when user configures MaxiGallery to use slimbox for example, he can create cusom templates for the snippet call that only have the needed stuff and take out all the extra PHx blocks. When PHx runs, it goes through the template and finds the most inner PHx conditions, then parses those and runs again and again until all PHx syntax is parsed. When there are many thumbnails in a single page in MaxiGallery, there’s alot of syntax for PHx to parse. So users need to either raise the "maximum passes" value in PHx or enable thumbnail pagination or create custom templates that use less PHx.
What I’m going to do though is to make pagination available in picture management also, so MaxiGallery won’t choke there when there are lots of pictures in a single gallery.
"He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
Is there a demo site with all various gallery and slide show styles available?