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    First i’d like to say what a great CMS you have here, really looking forward to using it more in future projects.

    I have searched in the forum and have read quite a few threads but i i can’t figure out how to do this with drop menu.

    I want the navigation to drop down when i mouse over.

    I was planning on creating 4 seperate folders in the CMS menu with the pages i want displayed for each course, then point the menu to the relevent id so the links would be created automatically. I’m just a little unsure what i sould paste into the template/ what settings are needed in the snippet to do so.

    I assume it’s something like this
    [[DropMenu? &levelLimit=2 &subdiv=true &subdivClass=hoverZone &subnavClass=menuZone &hereClass=currentPage]]

    I’ve been tearing my hair out for the past couple of hours!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance

      • 263
      • 52 Posts
      Hi Matt and welcome!

      This thread http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,3682.0/topicseen.html is a good introduction to power and flexibility of dropmenu snippet. Hint: it’s all in the CSS, man, all in the CSS!
      The search on the forums is a bit wonky - I get more relevant results with google. Try site:modxcms.com suckerfish for example.

      Cheers and good luck!
        • 52
        • 17 Posts
        Thanks for the reply.

        You know it always happens, as soon as you post to a forum you actually figure out what the problem is.... sods law i guess smiley

        It’s still not 100% perfect, just trying to figure out how to remove "class="last"" from certain <li> tags at the moment, unfortunatly there doesn’t seem to be a true or false option to do it in the snippet.

        Made good progress though.


          • 26435
          • 1,193 Posts
          ScottyDelicious Reply #4, 18 years ago
          Quote from: 1man at Apr 17, 2006, 01:34 AM

          It’s still not 100% perfect, just trying to figure out how to remove "class="last"" from certain <li> tags at the moment, unfortunatly there doesn’t seem to be a true or false option to do it in the snippet.

          Hi Matt.

          In regards to the .last class, If you do not define it in your CSS, it does not display any differently that the rest of your styled list. There is no reason, in terms of styling your list, to turn off the .last class. It is quite useful if you need it, and un-noticed if you don’t.

          I hope this helps.

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