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    • 15159
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    I have an issue where a snippet (usercomments) placed in main content area works the first time the document is called, but never again. It just renders the snippet as text for the whole world to see. Like so... http://www.myndscapes.com/hys.html

    edit: New info. I place user comments at the end of every blog post in an unpubloished folder. Newslisting pulls the latest to the main blog page. The original page displays user comments fine. The Newslisting pull renders as text...

    Grr. WOrk around anyone?
    • sounds like an RTE gone awry.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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        MARKSVIRTUALDESK Reply #3, 18 years ago
        Actually Ryan, this is something I wrote the comments stripping function in NewsListing for. See, if UserComments isn’t called with a docid it uses the current document. When NewsListing aggregates the content of that document it uses the document NewsListing is on instead of the one UserComments is on. Simple fix, put the UserComments call in a chunk and call it in NewsListing like &commentschunk=`chunkname`. That way it will remove the UserComments before showing them in NewsListing. Then just add the UserComments call into the NewsListing template and add &docid=`[+id+]` to the call. Then all should work fine.
          • 15159
          • 93 Posts
          Aww sweeeet. You guys rock. Me so happy.