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    Sorry if this has been asked and re-hashed a thousand times. I’m new to MODx CMS.

    I’m running:

    MODx version 0.9.1
    Version codename rev 646

    Is this the latest code? If so, are snippet updates released independently of version upgrades? Also, what about the .js files? I saw a template author mention that in order to use the template you may have to grab the latest scriptaculous.js file. Where would I get this?

    Thanks in advance...
    • Garry Nutting Reply #2, 18 years ago
      Hi bfreshour and welcome to the MODx community,

      Yes, at the moment, 0.9.1 is the latest version. Although, 0.9.2 will soon be out grin

      Snippet updates have been made outside of the main releases, for example NewsListing has gone through a number of updates so make sure you check the Repository for any latest versions.

      Depending on the template, you may need to grab the latest script.aculo.us updates (I’m thinking for some of Banzai’s masterpieces maybe) - if you need to get the latest update then visit script.aculo.us (yes, the name is also the web address wink )

      Hope that helps, Garry

        Garry Nutting
        Senior Developer
        MODX, LLC

        Email: [email protected]
        Twitter: @garryn
        Web: modx.com
      • MODx in the dev team testing branches is currently at around rev 955... so LOTs of changes have taken place. It’s going to be a significant and pretty cool upgrade. 0.9.1 is a great solution in the interim.
          Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
          Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me