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    • 22950
    • 18 Posts
    I have just installed Modx. I am receiveing emails from the default "Contact Us" form that is included on the initial install. I would like for all emails to be directed to the admin’s inbox (the one that is accessed when you log into Modx). Is this possible?

    In addition, I noticed that when I set up a "John Q Public" user the emails were going to the inbox contained within the Modx app. Is there an option to have the public emails go to John Qs personal email box?


    • Those are not email addresses, those are for Personal Messages sent from within the manager, similar to the PM system here in the forums.

      The default email address that is used by the MODx system is set in the Site configuration menu, and is stored as "emailsender". It can be accessed as [(emailsender)] or $modx->config[’emailsender’].
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        • 22950
        • 18 Posts
        Ok. Thanks.
        I think that for a Newbie it would be helpful to have a basic GUI centric set of instructions. I have attached a MS Word doc as an example. I have read some of the discussion on documentation and I think it would help the project if there were more configuration guides. If these already exist kindly let me know. If they are valuable (i.e. cut down on the time that the more experienced users have to answer the same questions) I will create others that are GUI/Newbie focused.

        I like the internal messaging. I just didn’t know how this worked. I will read more from the online documentation.