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    I recently downloaded MaxiGallery after seeing the demo galleries in action. Everything seems to be perfect in this script, except the basic setup. I really don’t understand how to set multiple galleries up and running. So if someone has the time to write some quick reference about these topics, it would be really great :

    1- I want to gather my galleries in a folder to keep my page structure clean. How to create a gallery in a document and browse it in an other one?

    2- When I add the snippet in a document does it create a gallery for that document automatically?

    3- How does the child galleries work?

    4- If I don’t style the galleries, will it break my template?

    Thanks in advance,

    Blaise Bernier
      Blaise Bernier

      www.medialdesign.com - Solutions for small business, hosting, design and more!
    • 1. There is a snippet argument, I forget exactly what at the moment, but it’s pretty well documented.

      2. Yes, it does. All you need to do is supply a writable assets/galleries folder.

      3. um... not sure; never did that, but it does work!

      4. Depends on your layout. By default it will just give you three thumbnails in a row; it may or may not look OK as-is with your page layout.

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