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    • 14165
    • 9 Posts
    I have a gallery setup as follows

    MY GALLERIES (a folder)
    - GALLERY A (a folder)
    - SUBJECT 1 (a document)
    - SUBJECT 2 (a document)
    - GALLERY B (a folder)
    - SUBJECT 3 (a document)
    - SUBJECT 4 (a document)
    - GALLERY C (a folder)
    - SUBJECT 5 (a document)
    - SUBJECT 6 (a document)

    For "MY GALLERY" the content is "[!Maxigallery?display=childgalleries!]". I was hoping to just see GALLERY A, GALLERY B and GALLERY C. But instead I see SUBJECT 1, SUBJECT 2, etc in the main display (not the menu).

    When I click on GALLERY A, it doesn’t show SUBJECT 1 or SUBJECT 2. The content is [!Maxigallery? &display="childgalleires"!]. I tried just [!Maxigallery!] too.

    What am I doing wrong?
      • 33337
      • 3,975 Posts
      It should be:

      [!Maxigallery? &display=`childgalleries`!] and [!Maxigallery? &display=`childgalleires`!]

      Look for backticks, they are not double quotes.

      hope this helps.


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