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    • 9878
    • 31 Posts
    Hi guys,

    i really like the customizeable look of the maxigallery, but unfortunately something does not work out right
    I installled everything like its told in the maxigallery-thread, but when I try to upload pictures my firefox puts out this:
    * @version 1.48 <2005/07/18> * @copyright GNU General Public License (GPL) **/ /* // Sample
    ------------------------------------- $thumb=new Thumbnail("source.jpg"); // set source image file
    $thumb->size_width(100); // set width for thumbnail, or $thumb->size_height(300); // set height for thumbnail, or 
    $thumb->size_auto(200); // set the biggest width or height for thumbnail $thumb->size(150,113); // set the biggest width 
    and height for thumbnail $thumb->quality=75; //default 75 , only for JPG format $thumb->output_format='JPG'; // JPG | 
    PNG $thumb->jpeg_progressive=0; // set progressive JPEG : 0 = no , 1 = yes $thumb->allow_enlarge=false; // allow to 
    enlarge the thumbnail $thumb->CalculateQFactor(10000); // Calculate JPEG quality factor for a specific size in bytes 
    $thumb->bicubic_resample=true; // [OPTIONAL] set resample algorithm to bicubic 
    $thumb->img_watermark='watermark.png'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark source file, only PNG format [RECOMENDED ONLY 
    WITH GD 2 ] $thumb->img_watermark_Valing='TOP'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM 
    $thumb->img_watermark_Haling='LEFT'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT 
    $thumb->txt_watermark='Watermark text'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ] 
    $thumb->txt_watermark_color='000000'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text color , RGB Hexadecimal[RECOMENDED ONLY
     WITH GD 2 ] $thumb->txt_watermark_font=1; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text font: 1,2,3,4,5 
    $thumb->txt_watermark_Valing='TOP'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM
     $thumb->txt_watermark_Haling='LEFT'; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT 
    $thumb->txt_watermark_Hmargin=10; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal margin in pixels 
    $thumb->txt_watermark_Vmargin=10; // [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical margin in pixels 
    $thumb->->memory_limit='32M'; //[OPTIONAL] set maximun memory usage, default 32 MB ('32M'). (use '16M' or '32M' for 
    litter images) $thumb->max_execution_time'30'; //[OPTIONAL] set maximun execution time, default 30 seconds ('30'). (use
     '60' for big images o slow server) $thumb->process(); // generate image $thumb->show(); // show your thumbnail, or 
    $thumb->save("thumbnail.jpg"); // save your thumbnail to file, or $image = $thumb->dump(); // get the image echo 
    ($thumb->error_msg); // print Error Mensage //---------------------------------------------- 
    ################################################ */ class Thumbnail { /** *@access public *@var integer Quality
     factor for JPEG output format, default 75 **/ var $quality=75; /** *@access public *@var string output format, default JPG, 
    valid values 'JPG' | 'PNG' **/ var $output_format='JPG'; /** *@access public *@var integer set JPEG output format to 
    progressive JPEG : 0 = no , 1 = yes **/ var $jpeg_progressive=0; /** *@access public *@var boolean allow to enlarge the thumbnail. **/ var $allow_enlarge=false; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark source file, only PNG format [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ] **/ var $img_watermark=''; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM **/ var $img_watermark_Valing='TOP'; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT **/ var $img_watermark_Haling='LEFT'; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text [RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ] **/ var $txt_watermark=''; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text color , RGB Hexadecimal[RECOMENDED ONLY WITH GD 2 ] **/ var $txt_watermark_color='000000'; /** *@access public *@var integer [OPTIONAL] set watermark text font: 1,2,3,4,5 **/ var $txt_watermark_font=1; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical position, TOP | CENTER | BOTTOM **/ var $txt_watermark_Valing='TOP'; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal position, LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT **/ var $txt_watermark_Haling='LEFT'; /** *@access public *@var integer [OPTIONAL] set watermark text horizonatal margin in pixels **/ var $txt_watermark_Hmargin=10; /** *@access public *@var integer [OPTIONAL] set watermark text vertical margin in pixels **/ var $txt_watermark_Vmargin=10; /** *@access public *@var bool [OPTIONAL] set resample algorithm to bicubic **/ var $bicubic_resample=false; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set maximun memory usage, default 8 MB ('8M'). (use '16M' for big images) **/ var $memory_limit='32M'; /** *@access public *@var string [OPTIONAL] set maximun execution time, default 30 seconds ('30'). (use '60' for big images) **/ var $max_execution_time='30'; /** *@access public *@var string errors mensage **/ var $error_msg=''; /** *@access private *@var mixed images **/ var $img; /** *open source image *@access public *@param string filename of the source image file *@return boolean **/ function Thumbnail($imgfile) { $img_info = getimagesize( $imgfile ); //detect image format switch( $img_info[2] ){ case 2: //JPEG $this->img["format"]="JPEG"; $this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($imgfile); break; case 3: //PNG $this->img["format"]="PNG"; $this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromPNG ($imgfile); $this->img["des"] = $this->img["src"]; break; default: $this->error_msg="Not Supported File"; return false; }//case $this->img["x"] = $img_info[0]; //original dimensions $this->img["y"] = $img_info[1]; $this->img["x_thumb"]= $this->img["x"]; //thumbnail dimensions $this->img["y_thumb"]= $this->img["y"]; $this->img["des"] = $this->img["src"]; // thumbnail = original return true; } /** *set height for thumbnail *@access public *@param integer height *@return boolean **/ function size_height($size=100) { //height $this->img["y_thumb"]=$size; if ($this->allow_enlarge==true) { $this->img["y_thumb"]=$size; } else { if ($size < ($this->img["y"])) { $this->img["y_thumb"]=$size; } else { $this->img["y_thumb"]=$this->img["y"]; } } if ($this->img["y"]>0) { $this->img["x_thumb"] = ($this->img["y_thumb"]/$this->img["y"])*$this->img["x"]; } else { $this->error_msg="Invalid size : Y"; return false; } } /** *set width for thumbnail *@access public *@param integer width *@return boolean **/ function size_width($size=100) { //width if ($this->allow_enlarge==true) { $this->img["x_thumb"]=$size; } else { if ( $size < ($this->img["x"])) { $this->img["x_thumb"]=$size; } else { $this->img["x_thumb"]=$this->img["x"]; } } if ($this->img["x"]>0) { $this->img["y_thumb"] = ($this->img["x_thumb"]/$this->img["x"])*$this->img["y"]; } else { $this->error_msg="Invalid size : x"; return false; } } /** *set the biggest width or height for thumbnail *@access public *@param integer width or height *@return boolean **/ function size_auto($size=100) { //size if ($this->img["x"]>=$this->img["y"]) { $this->size_width($size); } else { $this->size_height($size); } } /** *set the biggest width and height for thumbnail *@access public *@param integer width *@param integer height *@return boolean **/ function size($size_x,$size_y) { //size if ( (($this->img["x"])/$size_x) >= (($this->img["y"])/$size_y) ) { $this->size_width($size_x); } else { $this->size_height($size_y); } } /** *show your thumbnail, output image and headers *@access public *@return void **/ function show() { //show thumb Header("Content-Type: image/".$this->img["format"]); if ($this->output_format=="PNG") { //PNG imagePNG($this->img["des"]); } else { imageinterlace( $this->img["des"], $this->jpeg_progressive); imageJPEG($this->img["des"],"",$this->quality); } } /** *return the result thumbnail *@access public *@return mixed **/ function dump() { //dump thumb return $this->img["des"]; } /** *save your thumbnail to file *@access public *@param string output file name *@return boolean **/ function save($save="") { //save thumb if (empty($save)) { $this->error_msg='Not Save File'; return false; } if ($this->output_format=="PNG") { //PNG imagePNG($this->img["des"],"$save"); } else { imageinterlace( $this->img["des"], $this->jpeg_progressive); imageJPEG($this->img["des"],"$save",$this->quality); } return true; } /** *generate image *@access public *@return boolean **/ function process () { ini_set('memory_limit',$this->memory_limit); ini_set('max_execution_time',$this->max_execution_time); $X_des =$this->img["x_thumb"]; $Y_des =$this->img["y_thumb"]; //if ($this->checkgd2()) { $gd_version=$this->gdVersion(); if ($gd_version>=2) { //if (false) { $this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($X_des,$Y_des); if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) { sscanf($this->txt_watermark_color, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue); $txt_color=imageColorAllocate($this->img["des"] ,$red, $green, $blue); } if (!$this->bicubic_resample) { imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $X_des, $Y_des, $this->img["x"], $this->img["y"]); } else { $this->imageCopyResampleBicubic($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $X_des, $Y_des, $this->img["x"], $this->img["y"]); } if ($this->img_watermark!='' && file_exists($this->img_watermark)) { $this->img["watermark"]=ImageCreateFromPNG ($this->img_watermark); $this->img["x_watermark"] =imagesx($this->img["watermark"]); $this->img["y_watermark"] =imagesy($this->img["watermark"]); imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["watermark"], $this->calc_position_H (), $this->calc_position_V (), 0, 0, $this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"],$this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"]); } if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) { imagestring ( $this->img["des"], $this->txt_watermark_font, $this->calc_text_position_H() , $this->calc_text_position_V(), $this->txt_watermark,$txt_color); } } else { $this->img["des"] = ImageCreate($X_des,$Y_des); if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) { sscanf($this->txt_watermark_color, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue); $txt_color=imageColorAllocate($this->img["des"] ,$red, $green, $blue); } // pre copy image, allocating color of water mark, GD < 2 can't resample colors if ($this->img_watermark!='' && file_exists($this->img_watermark)) { $this->img["watermark"]=ImageCreateFromPNG ($this->img_watermark); $this->img["x_watermark"] =imagesx($this->img["watermark"]); $this->img["y_watermark"] =imagesy($this->img["watermark"]); imagecopy ($this->img["des"], $this->img["watermark"], $this->calc_position_H (), $this->calc_position_V (), 0, 0, $this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"]); } imagecopyresized ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $X_des, $Y_des, $this->img["x"], $this->img["y"]); @imagecopy ($this->img["des"], $this->img["watermark"], $this->calc_position_H (), $this->calc_position_V (), 0, 0, $this->img["x_watermark"], $this->img["y_watermark"]); if ($this->txt_watermark!='' ) { imagestring ( $this->img["des"], $this->txt_watermark_font, $this->calc_text_position_H() , $this->calc_text_position_V(), $this->txt_watermark, $txt_color); // $this->txt_watermark_color); } } $this->img["src"]=$this->img["des"]; $this->img["x"]= $this->img["x_thumb"]; $this->img["y"]= $this->img["y_thumb"]; } /** *Calculate JPEG quality factor for a specific size in bytes *@access public *@param integer maximun file size in bytes **/ function CalculateQFactor($size) { //based on: JPEGReducer class version 1, 25 November 2004, Author: huda m elmatsani, Email :[email protected] //calculate size of each image. 75%, 50%, and 25% quality ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->img["des"],'',75); $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $size75 = strlen($buffer); ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->img["des"],'',50); $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $size50 = strlen($buffer); ob_start(); imagejpeg($this->img["des"],'',25); $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $size25 = strlen($buffer); //calculate gradient of size reduction by quality $mgrad1 = 25/($size50-$size25); $mgrad2 = 25/($size75-$size50); $mgrad3 = 50/($size75-$size25); $mgrad = ($mgrad1+$mgrad2+$mgrad3)/3; //result of approx. quality factor for expected size $q_factor=round($mgrad*($size-$size50)+50); if ($q_factor<25) { $this->quality=25; } elseif ($q_factor>100) { $this->quality=100; } else { $this->quality=$q_factor; } } /** *@access private *@return integer **/ function calc_text_position_H () { $W_mark = imagefontwidth ($this->txt_watermark_font)*strlen($this->txt_watermark); $W = $this->img["x_thumb"]; switch ($this->txt_watermark_Haling) { case 'CENTER': $x = $W/2-$W_mark/2; break; case 'RIGHT': $x = $W-$W_mark-($this->txt_watermark_Hmargin); break; default: case 'LEFT': $x = 0+($this->txt_watermark_Hmargin); break; } return $x; } /** *@access private *@return integer **/ function calc_text_position_V () { $H_mark = imagefontheight ($this->txt_watermark_font); $H = $this->img["y_thumb"]; switch ($this->txt_watermark_Valing) { case 'CENTER': $y = $H/2-$H_mark/2; break; case 'BOTTOM': $y = $H-$H_mark-($this->txt_watermark_Vmargin); break; default: case 'TOP': $y = 0+($this->txt_watermark_Vmargin); break; } return $y; } /** *@access private *@return integer **/ function calc_position_H () { $W_mark = $this->img["x_watermark"]; $W = $this->img["x_thumb"]; switch ($this->img_watermark_Haling) { case 'CENTER': $x = $W/2-$W_mark/2; break; case 'RIGHT': $x = $W-$W_mark; break; default: case 'LEFT': $x = 0; break; } return $x; } /** *@access private *@return integer **/ function calc_position_V () { $H_mark = $this->img["y_watermark"]; $H = $this->img["y_thumb"]; switch ($this->img_watermark_Valing) { case 'CENTER': $y = $H/2-$H_mark/2; break; case 'BOTTOM': $y = $H-$H_mark; break; default: case 'TOP': $y = 0; break; } return $y; } /** *@access private *@return boolean **/ function checkgd2(){ // TEST the GD version if (extension_loaded('gd2') && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Get which version of GD is installed, if any. * * Returns the version (1 or 2) of the GD extension. */ function gdVersion($user_ver = 0) { if (! extension_loaded('gd')) { return; } static $gd_ver = 0; // Just accept the specified setting if it's 1. if ($user_ver == 1) { $gd_ver = 1; return 1; } // Use the static variable if function was called previously. if ($user_ver !=2 && $gd_ver > 0 ) { return $gd_ver; } // Use the gd_info() function if possible. if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $ver_info = gd_info(); preg_match('/\d/', $ver_info['GD Version'], $match); $gd_ver = $match[0]; return $match[0]; } // If phpinfo() is disabled use a specified / fail-safe choice... if (preg_match('/phpinfo/', ini_get('disable_functions'))) { if ($user_ver == 2) { $gd_ver = 2; return 2; } else { $gd_ver = 1; return 1; } } // ...otherwise use phpinfo(). ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $info = stristr($info, 'gd version'); preg_match('/\d/', $info, $match); $gd_ver = $match[0]; return $match[0]; } // End gdVersion() function imageCopyResampleBicubic($dst_img, $src_img, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h) { $scaleX = ($src_w - 1) / $dst_w; $scaleY = ($src_h - 1) / $dst_h; $scaleX2 = $scaleX / 2.0; $scaleY2 = $scaleY / 2.0; $tc = imageistruecolor($src_img); for ($y = $src_y; $y < $src_y + $dst_h; $y++) { $sY = $y * $scaleY; $siY = (int) $sY; $siY2 = (int) $sY + $scaleY2; for ($x = $src_x; $x < $src_x + $dst_w; $x++) { $sX = $x * $scaleX; $siX = (int) $sX; $siX2 = (int) $sX + $scaleX2; if ($tc) { $c1 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY2); $c2 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY); $c3 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY2); $c4 = imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY); $r = (($c1 + $c2 + $c3 + $c4) >> 2) & 0xFF0000; $g = ((($c1 & 0xFF00) + ($c2 & 0xFF00) + ($c3 & 0xFF00) + ($c4 & 0xFF00)) >> 2) & 0xFF00; $b = ((($c1 & 0xFF) + ($c2 & 0xFF) + ($c3 & 0xFF) + ($c4 & 0xFF)) >> 2); imagesetpixel($dst_img, $dst_x + $x - $src_x, $dst_y + $y - $src_y, $r+$g+$b); } else { $c1 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY2)); $c2 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX, $siY)); $c3 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY2)); $c4 = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, imagecolorat($src_img, $siX2, $siY)); $r = ($c1['red'] + $c2['red'] + $c3['red'] + $c4['red'] ) << 14; $g = ($c1['green'] + $c2['green'] + $c3['green'] + $c4['green']) << 6; $b = ($c1['blue'] + $c2['blue'] + $c3['blue'] + $c4['blue'] ) >> 2; imagesetpixel($dst_img, $dst_x + $x - $src_x, $dst_y + $y - $src_y, $r+$g+$b); } } } } /** *generate a unique filename in a directory like prefix_filename_randon.ext *@access public *@param string path of the destination dir. Example '/img' *@param string name of the file to save. Example 'my_foto.jpg' *@param string [optional] prefix of the name Example 'picture' *@return string full path of the file to save. Exmaple '/img/picture_my_foto_94949.jpg' **/ function unique_filename ( $archive_dir , $filename , $file_prefix='') { // checkemaos if file exists $extension= strtolower( substr( strrchr($filename, ".") ,1) ); $name=str_replace(".".$extension,'',$filename); // only alfanumerics characters $string_tmp = $name; $name=''; while ($string_tmp!='') { $character=substr ($string_tmp, 0, 1); $string_tmp=substr ($string_tmp, 1); if (eregi("[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0-9]", $character)) { $name=$name.$character; } else { $name=$name.'_'; } } $destination = $file_prefix."_".$name.".".$extension; while (file_exists($archive_dir."/".$destination)) { // if exist, add a random number to the file name srand((double)microtime()*1000000); // random number inizializzation $destination = $file_prefix."_".$name."_".rand(0,999999999).".".$extension; } return ($destination); } /** * NOT USED : to do: mezclar imagenes a tamaño original, preservar canal alpha y redimensionar * Merge multiple images and keep transparency * $i is and array of the images to be merged: * $i[1] will be overlayed over $i[0] * $i[2] will be overlayed over that * @param mixed * @retrun mixed the function returns the resulting image ready for saving **/ function imagemergealpha($i) { //create a new image $s = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($i[0]),imagesy($i[1])); //merge all images imagealphablending($s,true); $z = $i; while($d = each($z)) { imagecopy($s,$d[1],0,0,0,0,imagesx($d[1]),imagesy($d[1])); } //restore the transparency imagealphablending($s,false); $w = imagesx($s); $h = imagesy($s); for($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) { for($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) { $c = imagecolorat($s,$x,$y); $c = imagecolorsforindex($s,$c); $z = $i; $t = 0; while($d = each($z)) { $ta = imagecolorat($d[1],$x,$y); $ta = imagecolorsforindex($d[1],$ta); $t += 127-$ta['alpha']; } $t = ($t > 127) ? 127 : $t; $t = 127-$t; $c = imagecolorallocatealpha($s,$c['red'],$c['green'],$c['blue'],$t); imagesetpixel($s,$x,$y,$c); } } imagesavealpha($s,true); return $s; } } ?>
    (not complete, its about 2 pages)
    which looks like php-Code to me - but I have no idea where thats coming from.

    I’m using MOD X0.9.2.1 (rev 1005) on a G4-Ibook on an Apache Webserver
    I call the gallery with [!MaxiGallery!] from document 12

    /assets/snippets/maxigallery is readable
    /assets/galleries is writeable

    Well it does upload the pictures in the gallery-folder - but how do I get the gallery to work - everytime the php-code appears and I go back, the form is empty again.

    Thanks a lot for your help
      • 7923
      • 4,213 Posts
      Yes, there is a small bug that causes this in certain server enviroments. Here’s info how to fix it:

      Quote from: ewlloyd at May 21, 2006, 11:39 PM

      I’ve noticed a simple but aggravating bug in assets/snippets/maxigallery/watermark/Thumbnail.class.php. At the top of the file, it’s using a short PHP opening tag (<?) instead of the preferred <?php. As a result, for installations that have short_open_tag turned off, the upload process fails spectacularly with the entire text of the Thumbnail.class.php file displayed over an error message complaining it couldn’t find the Thumbnail class.

      I haven’t bothered uploading a patch, since it’s a one-line fix at the top.

      But once I fixed it on my site, it works slick!

        "He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
        • 9878
        • 31 Posts
        thanks a lot - it works perfectly!
        great smiley

          • 4295
          • 98 Posts
          flyaway, a billion thanks for asking this question. It was my exact problem, too. I must have missed this simple solution when going through dozens and dozens of posts. But this fixed it perfectly. Thank you, Doze for the answer! Wooot!
            • 18389
            • 169 Posts
            Strange that I am getting this now.... the fix doesn’t fix it for me either. My file was already corrected , probably since it is a more recent version.

            Anyone have any other reasons for this happening?