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    • 4273
    • 356 Posts
    can the websign up (registration form) be taylored as in add more fields,
    also how does the websignup form register users, is it automatic or can it be setup to approve first,
    upon submitting the form can it send the info to a specified email address ?

      SMF Bookmark Mod - check it out
      • 4273
      • 356 Posts
      seems much potential the websignup would be great if we could customize it, checked the websignup file, the form looks like we can add to it but would it also be possible to add the required fields to custom as well, looks tricky,

      also not sure if we did add more fields, where would the information get sent ? I like the idea of the websignup registering users and at the same time sending the collected info to a specified email similiar to the contact form but there’s a difference between the contact form and the register form.

        SMF Bookmark Mod - check it out